A New Asset - The Company You Keep
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Charlie asks Daphne to return the stolen painting to Willford, and she wants an invite to Pine Grove.

Emma explains to Charlie that Pine Grove is an annual conference for the top 1% where they meet to discuss the national security agenda. Emma gets Charlie the cover of a retired government agent as a cover, to get him and Daphne in.

Emma gives him an earpiece so she can listen in from on-site.

Birdie asks Leo what happened with Simon, and he admits that he can to their place one night and found Simon passed out and Ollie alone in a freezing bathtub. After tending to her, he told Simone he had to get clean, or he would kill him.

At Pine Grove, Daphne meets with Willford but won’t let Charlie attend. Emma tells him to get Daphne to trust him.

At the meeting, Willford declines Daphne’s offer, as he can’t siphon off too many rifles without raising questions.

Vik, also at Pine Grove, stops by to see Emma, and the two later share a beer.

Birdie and Simon meet and discuss the night Simon left. He tells her he left so he could never hurt Ollie and had to ensure he was sober before returning. He tells her he wants to get to know Ollie.

After Daphne tells Charlie about the meeting with Willford, he tells her they must get Brad more rifles. And they plan to talk to the manufacturer of the gun they want to get him to stop manufacturing it so Willford has a surplus to unload.

Once Daphne butters him up, the next step is to get Congress to come with the money, and Charlie and Daphne work on Congressman Eisenberg, who agrees after talking with them over a tennis match.

The last step involves getting the Department of Defense to award a contract to the armory to produce the new weapon to replace the ones Daphne is after. The undersecretary of the department, Bridges, was Daphne’s old professor, but when she meets him, he doesn’t remember her, latching onto Charlie instead.

After Bridges invites Charlie to an exclusive party, Emma warns him in person that Bridges is ex-CIA and there can’t be any holes in his story. When the two get too close, causing feedback from their earpieces, Vik and his partner pick up the signal.

Birdie talks to Ollie about Simon’s request to meet her properly.

Vik starts scouring the grounds, realizing someone is running surveillance. They check Emma’s room, and she kills her earpiece before he scans her.

At the party with Bridges, Charlie realizes he’s pro-war and has to change his tactics. But they’re interrupted by Vik, who begins scanning guests. But when he gets to Charlie, he sees Emma outside shaking her head and turns his scanner off so he doesn’t expose Charlie.

Bridges agrees to the contract the next day, and Daphne asks Charlie if she wants to partner up with him.

Simon takes Ollie out for ice cream after a stern talk with Leo.

Emma tells Charlie that getting Vik’s help was only to save the operation and not him. Later, Vik tells her that he will only cover for her that one time.

The Company You Keep
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The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Charlie: So that's it?
Emma: Meaning what?
Charlie: Last week, you said you loved me.
Emma: Last week, you were a bartender.
Charlie: I'm still a bartender.

Charlie: You realize you're asking me to help a drug cartel get into weapons trafficking?
Emma: The ends justify the means.
Charlie: Is that how the CIA justifies the secret assassinations and regime changes?