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When online games make fun of the way Jude dresses he lets Declan give him a makeover. 

When he goes to school, everyone makes fun of him there too. He changes back into his old clothes, but in the middle of the live stream, Declan makes him change in front of everyone. 

When Lena watches it, Stef notices. She confronts Jude about it and talks about online predators. She wants to ban him from it. Things get heated between the two. 

Jude tells Lena that he's no longer working on the live stream, but he's lying. 

Aaron's girlfriend wants Ximena and Callie to join a panel at the college law program. Callie speaks on immigration issues and starts reciting case laws to back up her points when someone challenges her. The professor notices and tells her that she should consider law.

Ximena's hearing with her parents comes up. Callie wants to present a video for the courts. She asks Brandon to help her with the music. She doesn't like his initial score.

He goes to a friend at college and learns about film scores. He comes up with the perfect song. The video is moving, but the judges deport Ximena's parents anyway but give them a temporary stay to get their affairs in order.

Mariana has to work on her project for the program, but she's getting distracted by dates with Logan and Wyatt. When she runs out of time, she finds an outline in Jesus room that belongs to Emma and presents it the teacher. Later on, Emma presents the same project proposal to the teacher.

Grace wants Brandon to figure out what he's going to do while she goes back to school. He thinks he wants to study film scoring. 

Kyle's foster mother tells Stef that he has been paranoid. Kyle tells Stef that he's receiving threats after being an informant. He shows her a dead rat. 

Stef confronts Detective Gray. She falsifies a request for a warrant for Patrick Molloy. 


The Fosters
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The Fosters Season 5 Episode 17 Quotes

Wyatt: You like truffle oil?
Poppy: What's truffle oil?
Wyatt: It's an oil, and it's made from truffles.

Aaron: I just want to make sure. Are we still friends?
Callie: Of course.