Seeking Allies - The Lazarus Project
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Mum informs the team about a group called The Last Glory, which she expects to take possession of the stolen nuclear device Big Boy. Some are assigned to hunt the group in the Czech Republic. Archie brushes aside George's request to go on the mission. With Rebrov's help, George goes rogue, seeking to acquire a detonator in Barcelona. Back in 2017, Rebrov and his wife Janet are having a baby boy. Janet risks losing the baby depending on when it's born relative to the July 1st checkpoint. Rebrov sends George to Janet's address. She invites George to dinner. In 2017, the whole Lazarus team is concerned about Janet's spotting. Janet gives birth two weeks before the checkpoint. A time reset after a chemical attack in China results in the baby never having been born. Shiv blames himself for the mission's failure. Janet recites her story to George in the present. Then she make plans to build a detonator. Shiv and Archie argue about George's state of mind. The assault team finds the Lost Glory compound vacant, thanks to George's warning, but still locate some maps there. George tells Janet about his losses. She informs George that Rebrov is lashing out because he's hurting. In 2017, Janet tells Rebrov she's pregnant, this time after the checkpoint. It's a girl. In 2018, Rebrov confronts Archie about whether he's being kept out of the loop, which she denies. During Ross and Archie's disastrous overseas mission, Rebrov and Janet keep repeatedly giving birth and losing babies. It was this that broke them apart and led Rebrov to go over the edge. This culminates with him demanding Wes tell him who Lazarus works for, then shooting a guard and Faye. Shiv stops him. They struggle and Rebrov escapes. Janet leaves George a detonator in a tin.

The Lazarus Project
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The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

George: I want to be useful.
Archie: Well, you're not useful. Not currently. Not in the field.

It's a group called The Last Glory. They've got a name like an impotence-awareness campaign but they're a serious outfit.
