Discovering Ability - The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 4
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In 1981, infant Shiv climbs out of his crib and begins to walk and talk. In 1994, a teen-age Shiv attempts to understand why he can remember events that others don't. His uncle's shop is failing in part because of vandalism by racist skinheads. The skinheads burn down the shop with his uncle and aunt inside. Time reverts to Checkpoint Day after a nuclear war. On the night of the fire, Shiv goes to the shop but discovers his cousin Dinesh pouring gasoline. Shiv had called the police, who arrive to arrest Dinesh. When he gets home, Wes is there and recruits him. In the present, the team is at a standstill in its search for Big Boy. George confronts Shiv about Rebrov's condition. Shiv thinks back to the night when Rebrov went rogue. Shiv shoots Rebrov in the leg when Rebrov tried to walk away. Shiv goes to pick up Janet but she and Jenna are gone. Rebrov escapes. George cracks the code hidden in the recovered maps and determines the bomb is hidden in Romania. He books a flight there and grabs Janet's detonators. George calls in sick and Shiv figures out what he's up to. Shiv follows George to Bucharest and has Ryan monitor George's purchases. Construction delays George's train, allowing Shiv in a taxi to catch up with him. George surprises Shiv, knocking him out and taking his gun. He pulls the emergency handle to stop the train. George breaks a window and jumps out but Shiv follows. George falls from a window, bounces off a truck, then escapes after stealing a motorcycle. Shiv, in a stolen car, pursues him. Shiv attempts to talk George down but George shoots and kills him. Texting as Shiv, George tricks Ryan into delivering a message to Rebrov, who kills him.

The Lazarus Project
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The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Dinesh: What are you doin' here?
Shiv: You know, the guy with the petrol can doesn't get to ask the questions.

Dinesh: They're gone, Shiv. They're gone.
Shiv: What happened?
Dinesh: The bloody fascists burned the place down. They never stood a chance.