L - Mickey and Andrea - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 8
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The hammer has Mickey scared. Lisa wants to testify, but Mickey thinks that would be a huge mistake. He decides to find more witnesses for his side.

In court, a landscaper who found the hammer testifies. He looks tense and is offered water.

He describes where he found the hammer and identifies it. He says he saw blood on it.

In cross, Mickey questions how he missed the hammer for the past six months and suddenly happened to fall on it.

Mickey makes a surprising admission and stipulates the hammer belongs to Lisa when the detective takes the stand.

In cross, Mickey questions how the police, in their thorough search, missed the hammer for six months.

In another shocking admission, Mickey stipulates that the substance on the hammer is blood.

Andrea calls for a sidebar and complains that Mickey denies her the opportunity to present her evidence. He says since their working theory is Lisa is being framed, there was no point in arguing against it.

Mickey goes to the office where Hailey has a birthday party planned. Mickey's mother visits.

Lisa wants to testify, but Mickey is still against it.

Joe Trammel shows up at Mickey's office wanting to get paid in exchange for his testimony. Mickey turns him down.

Lorna and Cisco argue about their wedding. Lorna thinks they should elope, but Cisco wants a big wedding now.

A neighbor testifies and paints Lisa and Joe as bad neighbors.

A photographer testifies to a photo he took that shows Lisa assaulting Mitchel.

Using footage from a cyclist, Mickey shows a different aspect that shows Mitchel clearly attacking Lisa.

Lorna helps Izzy get back her dance studio space after they find the manager had hiked the deposit for Izzy.

Rene looks nervous when he prepares to testify.

Andrea calls Henry Dahl to the stand. Henry has raw tapes of Lisa admitting to hating Bondurant. Mickey doesn't cross-examine Henry.

Mickey decides to come out swinging and calls Lisa to the stand.

The Lincoln Lawyer
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The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

You keep saying "photos," Mr. Kim, but the prosecution only offered one. What happened to the others?


So, in the last six months, you looked at those hedges many times, correct? Many times, I'm sure. And yet, you never saw that hammer before. Until, suddenly, the hammer just shows up at the exact same time my client happens to be on trial for murder.
