Andrea - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 9
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Lisa is apprehensive about testifying, but Mickey pep-talks her into taking the stand.

In her testimony, Lisa talks about growing up in Frogtown in the building her father owned, which she turned into a restaurant. She talks about her marriage to Jeff, Henry, and the podcast and what a nightmare Bondurant had in her life.

She talks about knowing where Bondurant parked his car and why she wanted to keep her family home.

Mickey congratulates Lisa on her testimony and tells her to prepare for cross.

Mickey's mom asks to be driven to an audition by Izzy, and the following morning they share the Lincoln.

In cross, Andrea presses on why Jeff left Lisa. Lisa is agitated, leading to an outburst that shocks the court.

Rene takes the stand and vouches for Lisa, but during cross, prosecution proves Lisa might have been an abusive boss.

Mickey's mom has Lisa take her around town after her audition.

Mickey brings in Dr. Arslanian, a forensic expert who claims Lisa was too short to render the blow that killed Bondurant. Andrea proves that if the condition were different, Lisa might have been able to.

Her agent drops Elena, so Mickey invites her to watch him in court to console her.

Mickey, Cisco, and Lorna recount Alex Grant's witness testimony proceedings. During the session, Mickey proved that Grant was, in fact, Kazarian, and his father and uncle were members of organized crime.

He poses that since Grant had been visiting his dad in prison and dropping by his uncle's bakery after every visit, he was also part of the organization. Grant pleads the fifth. The court is shocked, Judge Medina included.

The judge is furious with Mickey for having a witness plead the fifth, which could jeopardize the entire case. Andrea is angry too. Mickey claims he didn't know the witness would do it.

Judge Medina warns Mickey that he'll be up for disciplinary action if she finds evidence to the contrary.

Mickey calls Cisco to the stand. Cisco testifies to finding evidence that Eagle Couriers, owned by Grant and his uncle, had a vehicle next to Bondurant's building when Bondurant was killed.

Legal warns Mickey about his games and court theatrics.

Andrea doesn't cross Cisco but is ready to close instead. She pleads with the jury to see past Mickey's antics because the evidence points to Lisa being the killer.

Mickey and his team did not expect this turn of events.

When Rene drops some food by Mickey's office, he identifies the construction inspector as a health department worker who had been at the Elysian to inspect the premises and did it alone.

Mickey figures Walter Kim was the one who framed Lisa. Cisco finds Walter but learns he's been missing for two days.

Mickey needs Walter found before the case closes.

The Lincoln Lawyer
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The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Lisa: My father bought the building for next to nothing. He made cabinets. So he ran a shop on one side and raised a family on the other. I wanted to do the same thing.
Mickey: You live there as well?
Lisa: Yes, it's my home. That's why I didn't want to sell it to Mitchell Bondurant or to anyone.

Andrea: What about a spider?
Dr Arslanian: A spider?
Andrea: You know, lowering itself from its web. You see something out of the corner of your eye or feel something on your head, and instinctively…It's possible, isn't it?