L - Lisa and Mickey - The Lincoln Lawyer
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The prosecution sends over many boxes of discovery material.

Lorna speaks with some lady at a coffee shop.

The team begins to try to figure out why Lisa is the prime suspect in the murder. Lorna calls out the fact that Mickey was sleeping with Lisa. Lorna reveals that she checked the witness who says they saw Lisa on the day Bondurant was murdered.

Izzy notices that a hammer was missing from Lisa's toolkit.

Mickey asks her about the missing hammer. Lisa says it belonged to her ex-husband. They talk about him and why the marriage failed. He lives in Mexico now. Lisa invites Mickey to a community dinner.

Mickey represents a juvenile offender charged with vandalism for painting someone's war. The judge handling the case knows Mickey well. She keeps making funny commentary. The prosecutor says the owner wants to make an example of Mickey's client.

Andrea offers a plea to Mickey, something that raises Mickey's suspicion. He thinks she discovered something troubling.

Cisco visits the witness who testified in the restraining order hearing. He shows Cisco some photos.

Mickey takes the plea offer to Lisa. She has concerns about it.

Cisco confronts Kaz when he finds Kaz preparing to skip town. Kaz admits to working with the feds.

Mickey finds something. He tries to get a hold of Cisco without success. He calls Lorna and tells her he found that Bondurant was demanding some money from a company.

Mickey wins the vandalism case and even gets his client some royalties.

Mickey and Cisco find out that Bondurant was extorting someone. He concludes that was what Andrea was trying to hide.

He meets Andrea, but she pulls her offer before he can tell what he found, meaning she found something else.

The Lincoln Lawyer
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The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Lorna: I don't wanna say this out loud, but sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. Maybe Lisa did it.
Mickey: Why wouldn't you say that out loud?
Lorna: Because you've never represented someone you've slept with, and we're all watching what we say around here. because you're not exactly unbiased.

Okay, let's be clear on something. Lisa is a client. Nothing more, nothing less. Like any client, she deserves our full scrutiny. You think she's guilty? Go ahead, make your case.
