L - Mickey Haller - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 5
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Mickey visits Lisa to update her on the case's progress. He fantasizes about hooking up with her.

He tells her about Andrea pulling back the plea deal. Lisa gets livid when her ex-husband, Jeff, is brought up. He asks her to find and ensure he won't testify for the prosecution.

Mickey that Henry is doing the podcast, and Lisa is on it. He goes to see her and warns her against it. She says that she found Jeff's email and reached out to him, giving him Mickey's number.

Izzy tells Mickey about the progress of her and Ray's dance studio. She says Ray is short on her half. She also thinks the podcast might not be a bad idea.

Cisco visits a construction site and pretends to be an environmental officer. He gets some information.

During Lisa's trial, Mickey moves to strike a line of hearing when a detective testifies to events she didn't witness. The judge agrees. The prosecution agrees to produce the witness in question, Margo Schafer.

Henry confronts Mickey when he files an injunction to stop the podcast from going out. Lisa warns Mickey about his distrust of everyone because of this case.

The police breach the biker bar looking for guns, but they find toys. The gang leader has the guns somewhere else, and Cisco is with him. He did them a favor to help Kaz get away from the gang.

Margo takes the stand and testifies to seeing Lisa exiting the building where the crime was committed.

In cross, Mickey proves that in court, there was no way Margo could have seen Lisa at the building using photographs taken by Lorna. The judge warns the prosecution that their case is falling apart. She gives them a few hours for Andrea's office to decide.

Lisa admits to having been at the location outside the courtroom, as Margo said. But only for parking.

Andrea calls a forensic scientist to the stand who testifies to finding Bondurant's blood on Lisa's glove.

Mickey starts to doubt Lisa as she stresses her innocence.

Lorna and Cisco deliver to Kaz his new identity, and she asks him never to show up in their lives again.

Mickey receives a link to a site that says Henry is selling Lisa's story's rights to a TV production company. He figures something must have happened to his agreement left in the car.

He calls Lorna and scolds her for not taking the documents, but she is not to blame because the protocol is to keep open cases in the car. They argue about it, and it doesn't end well.

Mickey rushes to the garage to look for the agreement and finds the document missing. Two guys approach him and start beating him up. They go hard on him and leave him for dead.

The Lincoln Lawyer
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The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Discovery arguments are an issue for trial, Mr. Haller, as you well know. I'm allowing Miss Freemann to continue. You engineered this to make her show her cards. You can't complain now because you don't like your hand.


Jeff: Me and Lisa didn't exactly have the best marriage. I'd rather not get dragged back into her drama, if you catch my drift.
Mickey: Wh-- Drama? I mean, you two fight a lot? I know she could have a bit of a temper.