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The latest episode is a musical tribute of sorts that sees the Brakebills crew teaming up for a grand finale number. When the latest key quest is revealed, Alice, Kady, and Quentin see themselves transported to a version of Brakebills where magic has returned and so has Josh. But like everything else in this series, nothing is quite what it seems. When they push back against the lighthearted, playful world it gets violent with them. The group soon pieces together that the only magic that exists in this "alternate Brakebills" is party tricks and that it's all an elaborate set up created by a demon. One that's holding the fifth key at that. As the group work out the kinks between them and Josh gets his frustrations about being left behind off his chest, the entire Brakebills group manages to mind meld for a rendition of David Bowie's "Under Pressure," saving Josh, their own lives, and freeing themselves from the magical entrapment. 

Meanwhile, Julia and Fen hash out why they need to help Sky and as Julia attempts to help the Earth fairy unlock her own powers, they all discover that powerful and rich magicians have been binding fairies powers for their own benefit. The attempt to free Sky nearly kills the fairy and forces Julia to unlock a different part of herself and her powers. Back in Fillory, Eliot and Margo must select how they die and in the process of trying to escape, learn that Tick has actually been working against them. Now spiteful, the duo must lean on the sentient boat to help them escape their impending death. Fortunately, Margo's kindness earlier in the season wins her some favor and coupled with their role in the musical number, they survive another day. 

The Magicians
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The Magicians Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Alice: I know what it is. Music.
Quentin: Music?
Alice: Medieval music.
Quentin: Sure you're playing it right?
Alice: Yes.
Kady: Then you're an idiot. Back then the scale didn't start at C. So that's an A. What?
Quentin: I just didn't know you had so much --
Kady: Well, me and music go way back.

Julia: I did a whole line of that fairy coke shit. We've got to help.
Fen: We can't. I agree that what is being done to the fairies is awful, but they are evil and I told you what they did to me, my daughter. And Julia, they can't be enslaved. They can do magic.
Julia: Yeah, but that was in Fillory. It's obviously different here. Maybe... maybe they're different.