Three Party Crashers - The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Episode 4
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In a flashback to London 1993, The Handler and Lila's history is shown.

In 1963, The Handler wants Lila to protect Five. She confirms The Swedes are triplets working for the Commission, which she sent. 

Vanya tells Luther she knows Five left out gaps about the apocalypse. Luther tells her the truth.

Jack Ruby fires Luther after throwing the fight. He is subsequently kicked out of his boarding house and seeks refuge at Elliott's, looking for Five.

Diego and Five surmise Reginald is apart of the Majestic 12, a shadow government organization which Kennedy tried to push into the light.

Klaus tries to convince Dave not to enlist. Dave's uncle, Brian, shows up, taunts Klaus, and makes Dave punch him in the face. After, Klaus goes to the liquor store while Ben pleads with him not to throw away three years of sobriety. Klaus's followers show up at his home and he runs away from them.

Ray insinuates he believes Allison is a spy.

Allison and Luther finally see each other and he warns her there will be another doomsday in seven days.

Five, Diego, and Lila crash the Mexican Consulate's party. Diego meets the real-life Grace, who is Reginald's date. Five hears Reginald and the Majestic 12 plan Kennedy's assassination. Five and Diego get in a fight with The Swedes. Lila protects Five and leaves Diego on his own. Five sees Reginald and gives him a message in Ancient Greek. 

Vanya tells Sissy the Swedes are after her and she has to leave. Harlan hears she's leaving and runs out, falling into a lake. She uses her powers to pull the water back and save his life. Something mysterious happens after she does mouth-to-mouth.

Vanya and Sissy share a moment after Vanya insists she must go.

The Umbrella Academy
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The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Vanya: Were you even gonna tell me?
Five: You know what? In my defense, no, alright?! And can you blame me? When you get angry, shit blows up.

Handler: If you want to kill somebody, why don't you kill Diego?
Lila: No.
Handler: Are you sure, darling? I'm sure it will make you feel better.