Lightning a Match - The Walking Dead: Dead City
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The Croat has Pearlie locked up and orders them a slap-up meal, but things take a turn when worms are in the food, so the Croat forces his henchman to eat the key to the cuffs around Pearlie and kills him.

The Croat tells Pearlie there's little he can do for him if he doesn't talk, so the Croat then tells him that he uses the dead to make methane and make a liquid gas, making the apocalypse a bit easier to digest.

He then puts Pearlie in the ring, high on gas, and he has to fight for his safety. He manages to win the fight by telling him Negan is on the island.

Maggie and Negan tell the others about Negan's past with the Croat and they're blindsided. The others tell Maggie her son is most likely dead.

Negan has a heart-to-heart with Maggie, with her telling him she told Hershel he was terrible for not hiding in the root cellar and it may be the last thing she ever tells him.

Negan admits why he was on the run: Five marshals attacked Annie while she returned home from a trading mission and Negan killed them.

He knew there was no way they would stop following them, so he sent her and Joshua on a train out of the city.

Luther confronts Negan and says he's leaving the city that night. Negan is shocked and the two get into a fight and Negan is forced to kill Luther when he realizes that he means business.

Maggie is seen with the dinosaur she got for Ginny and tries to set it on fire.

Ginny excapes the new Hilltop and makes her way onto the island, but there are horrors around every corner.


The Walking Dead: Dead City
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The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

You inspected the meat? Rotten meat can host all types of bacteria. And without the treatment that we once had, all potentially deadly. Why would you serve me rotten meat?

The Croat

You must be hungry. Pasticada. It isn't magic, I promise. Only science. That was my profession. Alternative energy. So naturally, when I first arrived here, I couldn't help asking myself, what is the most abundant natural resource on this island? Death. The sewers are full of it. As the bodies break down, they produce methane, and because the intermolecular forces are weak, the gas can be pressurised into a liquid fuel at regular temperatures. Amazing, isn't it? What we have built here is a sanctuary. And all are welcome. So, why are you here, and whom did you bring with you? You understand, I can't offer you refuge until you no longer pose a threat. Because above all, above all in this vicious, monstrous world, we must stay safe.

The Croat