Rand al'Thor Wearing a Hood
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Nynaeve begins her trial, determining that she is ready.

She disrobes, and the women in charge reveal that the One Power won't even be available to her inside the arches.

They activate the arches for Nynaeve to walk through, and she takes her first step through the first arch.

Nynaeve finds herself in a field, visited by her father, without any memories of how she got there.

She and her father get attacked by some men, who almost kill Nynaeve, but her mom saves her.

She hides in her parents' basement, as she watches her parents die. The exit of the arch appears, giving her a choice.

She drops the weapon she held, and jumps through the arch portal, bringing her back to Liandrin who washes her in water, claiming she is washed clean of her sins.

The other woman heals her small knife wound.

Nynaeve wants to go back and save her parents, but Liandrin urges her to continue the trial.

The second arch opens up for Nynaeve, and she walks through.

She awakes at home with the entire town where she used to live dying of the fever, with people mad at her for leaving.

Nynaeve tries to channel, but does not have access to the one power.

Just as a friend asks her to stay with him before he dies, the arch portal back appears.

She's washed clean of her sins, and the third and final arch materializes its portal.

She steps through and is transported to a mysterious void that makes her feel unbearable pain and causes her to scream.

She somehow makes it out of the portal, covered in blood, but she doesn't remember anything that she did. The blood is confirmed not to be hers.

Nynaeve tries to reject becoming an Aes Sedai, refuses the ring, and leaves the room.

Egwene tries to keep Nynaeve in the tower.

As she's leaving, she runs into Lan, and they embrace, where she tells him that she's headed home to the Two Rivers.

Lan asks to go with her, and she says yes, not questioning why the bond is broken.

The portal to exit the arch appears, with the mistress's voice claiming the way back comes only once.

The portal disappears, and Nynaeve thinks that everything is a dream. Lan embraces her.

Back at the tower, the three Aes Sedai watch as the portal disappears.

The mistress of the novices blames Liandrin for Nynaeve's death, and Liandrin actually breaks down crying, throwing the pot of water.

Perrin, Loial, and their hunting party are attacked by the mysterious army.

They choose some women to talk with them, violently.

They are the Seanchan empire.

They take a member of the hunting party with the eyepatch, and he tries to fight off the guards.

He swears at them instead of being forced to swear the oath.

They lower his head onto a spike through his throat, and then push him all the way down on it, forcing the spike through his head.

Logain reveals that he remembers seeing Rand watching him as he got paraded through the town.

Rand asks Logain to help control the one power, and Logain wants some wine.

Egwene and Elayne are hungover, and Egwene enters into Nynaeve's room, where she meets the mistress of the novices, who tells her that Nynaeve is dead.

Egwene starts to mourn.

Liandrin tells Mat that a sister died, and tells Mat that she's done with him.

Liandrin claims that her time was wasted, and claims that she knows he left his friends instead of what he claims.

Liandrin burns the ring that was supposed to be Nynaeve's, giving her a proper goodbye.

Egwene blames Liandrin, and Liandrin doesn't want to deal with Egwene, so Egwene attacks the Aes Sedai.

Liandrin tells Egwene the truth, that she believed in Nynaeve, but Egwene still doesn't like her.

Rand's girlfriend takes him to a fancy party, where they pretend to be people they're not.

Rand gets approached by a woman who thinks he's mysterious and unique and tells him about the class system of the town he's in, revealing the hunt that the farmers want to go on isn't real.

Rand gets the wine that Logain wanted and brings it to him immediately.

Instead of asking Logain how to wield his power more, he wants to stop his power.

Rand tells Logain that Logain is NOT the dragon.

Logain threatens Rand, and Rand attacks him.

Mat actually leaves the room he was staying in, where he finds himself in the white tower and sees a crying Egwene.

He almost approaches her, but decides not to say anything and walks away. He returns to the room and invites Min over to his room.

Min wants them both to leave, but she decides to leave on her own with or without Mat.

Mat joins her.

Perrin is shackled in a carriage with the dark one (who is working with the Seanchan) (who no one knows is the dark one).

The man claims to know that Perrin has something inside of him, and reveals that he is the dark one to him (revealing Moirane's story was a lie).

A pack of wolves starts attacking the traveling party.

The dark one leaves Perrin alone in the carriage, and his friend, the tracker they used to find that town, bursts in to save Perrin.

Perrin runs away with the wolves, escaping the Seanchan empire.

Min and Mat prepare their escape, but Min needed to go grab something.

She meets with Liandrin, whom she has secretly been working for!

Rand gets back to his place, and he and his girlfriend start having sex. He shows her his power, then wakes up, realizing that everything was a dream (except for his summoning, which is still happening).

He accidentally sets the house on fire, and his girlfriend bursts in to get him out of there.

Their place burns down, but she's concerned mostly for him.

Egwene stands in the room with the arches, trying to reopen the final arch to save Nynaeve.

Elayne tries to console Egwene, and promises they'll sleep in the room of the arches that night to be close to Nynaeve's final resting place.

Nynaeve, inside the arch, is living her life with Perrin, Mat, her daughter, and Lan.

Their house gets attacked and they bring her daughter into the cellar. There's a trolloc attacking.

She sees Mat dead on the ground and watches as Perrin gets killed. A Trolloc then stabs Lan in the chest, killing him.

Nynaeve channels, activating the strongest blast of the One Power she's ever released.

After she tries to console her daughter, the arch with the portal appears. She tries to get her daughter to come with her through the portal.

She picks up the girl, runs towards the portal, and bursts through into the arch chamber, where she loses her daughter.

Nynaeve is alive and wakes up Egwene and Elayne, who are surprised to see Nynaeve alive.

Nynaeve cries out in agony, with Egwene consoling her.


The Wheel of Time
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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Nynaeve: What are they?
Leane: Ter'angreal.
Nynaeve: What do they do?
Liandrin: Many things child. They are from before the Breaking. Made during a time when women could create objects from the One Power itself.

Nynaeve: So what? I just walk through one arch and out again? Three times through and its done?
Leane: If you wish to boil it down that far, yes.