June And Mags Talk - Transplant
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Bash goes to Dr. Mitchell for help with his  PTSD.

Bash treats a woman, Nicole Spencer, who is in prison but is up for release soon. She got into a fight in the prison. Marty, her prison escort, seems to care about her. He says she always behaved well until recently. He thinks she's scared of release. She's been in lock-up for thirteen years. Nicole has an infection that is causing paralysis, and Bash doesn't know if they will be able to cure the infection in time to stop the paralysis from becoming permanent. Vivian tries to get ahold of Nicole's mother, but her mother refuses to visit her, so Nicole just shuts down. Flashing forward, Bash discusses this with Dr. Mitchell. Nicole killed someone and doesn't think she deserves to live, so she doesn't consent to the experimental treatment, but Bash does it anyway.

June has to treat a young boy, Glenn, who got sick at the museum, even though she is uncomfortable with kids. She determines he has lead toxicity, but she doesn't know how or from where, and he won't talk to her, so she calls Theo for advice. Glenn admits he's been eating fishing weights from his grandfather's fishing stuff because his grandfather died and he misses him.

Theo goes home to talk to his wife. He tells her about the new job in the eleventh hour and she is not happy.

Mags is taking on fewer patients. Jessica Brown, the firefighters Mags tried to warn in a previous episode, comes in. She has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The sepsis in her lungs can be treated, but the COPD won't go away. She has progressive emphysema. She recommends surgery and asks June for a consult to improve June's chances of being part of the surgery.

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Transplant Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Dr. Bishop: Dr. Curtis, take point.
Bash: Sir, I've done a REBOA before.
Dr. Bishop: Then you're not missing out, are you?

As physicians, we're trained never to show weakness. This, despite the long hours, patients' lives in our hands, their deaths on our minds. We're taught to suck it up and roll on to the next. But that's unrealistic. The weight of the job gets to us all. Not just doctors who come from war zones.

Dr. Mitchell