John Hawkes as Hank - True Detective Season 4 Episode 4
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We open with the sound of white noise, a necessity, it seems for Chief Liz Danvers to drown out the voices in her head long enough to get doze off.

The attempt at slumber doesn’t last long, and before long, Danvers is reviewing the final video of Annie Kowtok, checking in on her sleeping daughter, and paying a visit to the infamous Corpsicle.

But on her way to the hockey rink where the corpses are defrosting, Danvers encounters Navarro’s troubled sister Julia, who’s crying and stripping her clothes off in the snow.

When Navarro comes to pick up her sister, she and Danvers engage in a conversation that reminds us of just how much is at stake this season (and how much is happening).

Connelly is back in town from Anchorage, but this time, he seems eager to help Danvers in her investigation.

But she suspects his motives are purely political, and the conversation between them is tense.

The hard-edged exchange between Danvers and Connelly gives way to a tender moment between Navarro and Jules, as the latter checks out into a mental healthcare facility.

From there, we're introduced to Otis Heiss a mysterious German national who once sustained injuries similar to the ones that seemingly killed the Tsalal men.

We also learn that Annie K. was murdered in ice cave with fossils embedded in the wall.

Danvers and Navarro pay a visit to a local science teacher (and ex of Danvers') who discovers that the cave system was mapped by Heiss.

It's a dour Christmas Eve across Ennis, as Hank Prior gets stood up by his mail order bride, and Jules has a terrifying encounter with a monster under her bed in the psychiatric hospital.

Elsewhere, Rose prepares a sumptuous meal for Navarro and reveals that she used to be a professor, and Leah vandalized the offices of the mining company. So it's not all bad!

Tragically, Jules flees the psychiatric hospital, seemingly with the intention of taking her own life.

Following a drunk moment of clarity, Danvers refocuses her investigation on Oliver Tagaq and sends Navarro and Peter Prior to his cabin.

Danvers then pays a drunk visit to Connelly who drops hints about her painful past.

Peter and Navarro find Tagaq's cabin deserted, but it seems he left a significant clue for them to find -- a stone painted with the infamous crooked spiral symbol.

Navarro gets word of her sister's death, lashes out, and winds up being badly beaten by the wife-beater from Part 1 and two of his friends.

The following morning -- Christmas Day -- Navarro pays a visit to a hungover Danvers and fills her in on the Tagaq disappearance.

They receive word that a man wearing Annie K.'s parka has been spotted, and they arrive at the scene expecting to find Raymond Clark.

Navarro endures another ghostly vision, as Heiss reveals that Clark is now hiding "in the night country."

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True Detective Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Those men died before they froze.


You have protests around the mine; you had a shooting that ended in a fight at the hospital; you have six dead bodies in the local ice rink, and a still-missing person of interest.
