The Town of Twin Peaks
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The Giant tells Cooper to listen to the sounds in the Black Lodge, after which he gives him some clues before Cooper disappears.

Doctor Jacoby gets a package with several shovels. 

In New York City, an unknown man is in a room alone surrounded by camera equipment and a huge glass box. 

Ben Horne is talking to his assistant when Jerry appears in his office.

A man walks in wanting to see Sheriff Truman about insurance, with Lucy letting him know that there are two of them, one is sick and the other is fishing. 

A car is driving by the woods and stops by a cabin, Cooper walks out with his hair looking a lot like BOB's.

The guy in New York locks something up, it looks like it is the next day because Tracy comes by with coffee. The guard isn't there so Tracy uses that to convince the guy to go inside, where she finds out that he also doesn't know what the glass box does. The guy is meant to watch the box and report if anything appears inside of it. The two start to have sex when something appears inside the box. It jumps from the box and kills them.

In South Dakota a woman calls the police to report that her neighbor hasn't been seen and something smells. The police get inside and find a body, the head belongs to one person and the bottom part to someone else. They arrest Bill, whose fingerprints are all over the apartment. He tells his wife that he had a dream he was there, but there could also have been an affair. Someone appears and disappears in that same booking room.

Bill's wife comes home to Cooper/BOB saying she did good, then he shoots her. 

The Log Lady calls Hawk to say her log has a message, something is missing and he has to find it because it has to do with Dale Cooper.

Andy and Lucy reveal that Cooper has been missing for 24+ years.


Twin Peaks
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Twin Peaks Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

The Giant: Remember 430. Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone.
Cooper: I understand.

The skunk was on the whole other side of the hotel.
