Jack, Mel & the Woods - Virgin River
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  • Brady: I've never been with someone like you. Brie: What, like a control freak? Brady: No, like a woman who doesn't back down no matter the odds. It's sexy.
  • Charmaine: Jack, I apologized.I don't know what else you want me to say. Jack: I don't want you to say anything, Charmaine, I want you to start acting like I'm the twins' father.
  • Doc: what do you need? Hope: I feel ... lost, and the only way I can find myself is to be alone. Doc: Does that include me? Hope: No, I'm asiing you to keep everyone away from me.
  • Doc:I feel like I"m living with a stranger.
  • Denny: It takes a lot of guts to tell someone something they don't want to hear.
  • The elder man Mel helped died. 
  • Brie finds a go bag under Brady's sink and he tells her that he has to leave because he can't work with Calvin. She tells him about how Calvin threateend her and she says they'll set a trap.
  • Mel ropes Preacher into helping her with a trip.
  • Hope is overwelmed and doeesn't wantt o leave for their picnic because she doesnt want to get in the car among other things
  • Charmaine asks Jack about a deposit for a preschool waiting list and lets it slip that they're having  boys. He gets upset when he learns that she and Todd were keeping it secret from him and icing him out.
  • Tara is feeling under the weather so Cameron and Mel watch Chloe.
  • Doc wants Denny to stay with them but Hope isn't ready for it. She jus twants to be alone and away from other people
  • Mel is worried that Brie is avoiding going back home because of what happened to her and she still won't talk about it to Jack nor has she gone to therapy
  • Doc talks to Mel about HOpe and discusses how worried he is that she isn't getting better. He feels like he's living with a stranger.
  • Julia comes to visit Preacher at the bar and he makes a special dish for her.
  • Lizzie goes hiking with Denny when Ricky suggets it and covers her shift. She and Denny talk while hiking but Dennys seems distant.
  • Muriel drops by, and Hope gets emotional when she sees her and Doc playing a game and drinking together.
  • Jack makes it to the boat
  • Brie meets up with Mike to talk about the Emerald Lumber case but he seems upset becuase he thought it was a personal meeeting. He also says he cant help her.
  • Preach drives Jack to Mel and they go for a plane ride, but their pilot, Brad starts having a heart attack.
Virgin River
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Virgin River Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Charmaine: Jack, I apologized.I don't know what else you want me to say.
Jack: I don't want you to say anything, Charmaine, I want you to start acting like I'm the twins' father.

Brady: I've never been with someone like you.
Brie: What, like a control freak?
Brady: No, like a woman who doesn't back down no matter the odds. It's sexy.