Finding Solace - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 9
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  • Everyone is searching for Jack. 
  • Stacie is in town and wants to get together with Mel to talk to her about something. 
  • Mel calls Preacher again while he's driving and is on the phone when Preacher pulls up at another bar and sees Jack asleep in his truck in the parking lot. 
  • Jack heads to talk to Mel even though he's supposed to be staying with Preacher and he apologizes. But Mel is over it and wants him to go. He got drunk again and thought he could sleep things off in his truck and didn't realize he'd miss the wedding or be gone for six hours.
  • Brie talks to Brady about Jack and how to help him, his own exprience with dealing with stuff after he got back, and how he believes they're temporary and Brie will want to go back but he's happy for now.
  • Preacher tells Jack to get his act together and tells him to go see his therapist who is also a veteran and does one on one since what Jack is doing isn't working.
  • Jack goes to the clinic where Cameron tries to give his two cents and Mel catches Jack checking him. She goes off on Jack outside and reminds him that he can't switch trauma off and she's tired. 
  • Stacie calls again wanting dinner. 
  • Ricky notices that Lizzie is lying to Denny about hanging out with him later. She tells Ricky about the drugs and Ricky encourages her to ask about it. 
  • Hope spends time with Tara.
  • Doc talks to Mel about his own veteran traumas and how it's a unique thing that requires patience and is hard. 
  • Brady meets Melissa, the woman who bailed him out, and she's the one who must run things and is above Calvin. She knows he's worked with the police, but she thinks he's useful and she can control him because of Brie.
  • Brie meets up with Mike and they go to investigate a resevoir that didn't show up on modern maps that may be connected to things.
  • Denny meets up with Doc to talk. Denny tells Doc that he got a financial payout when his dad died and he wanted to use it for good so he paid off the clinic's mortgage with it. He also talks about the script
  • Hope follows tara's advvice and sits at the bench. Lilly appears and she talks to her. 
  • Stacie aplogizes to Mel for all the things she did and wants Mel's help keeping Mark alive for when her baby is born.
  • Charmaine shows up at the bar to tlak to Jack because she sent out baby shower invitations and thought jack was ingoring them. They have a pleasant chat and clear the air. 
  • Barry the therapist shows up at the bar to talk to Jack. Jack talks to Barry and it seems to go well. 
  • Preach and Julie talk and clear the air and are back on track after expressing their feelings for each other. 
  • Stacie tells Mel that her mother is hiriing a lawyer to get custody of the embryos so she can hire a surrogate and raise Marks' baby.
  • Preacher and Julie are in bed together when his phone rings. He answers and it's Christopher who snuck away to make a phone call and told Preacher he wants to go home.
  • Mel and Jack talk and he tells her he's going to therapy. She telsl him about Cassandra, Mark's mom, and that maybe if they find out about their baby that Cassandra would try to sue for custody. 
  • Mike and Brie find Calvin's boat with him there and wait for backup but Calvin sees flashes and is trying to leave when the boat explodes.
Virgin River
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Virgin River Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Brie: I know going to a wedding and helping me look for Jack wasn't exactly fun.
Brady: It was fine. And at least he's okay, you know?
Brie: I just don't understand. He's always been so responsible.
Brady: That's the problem. He acts like he's untouchable, but the stuff he's seen, it's dark. It doesn't magically disappear because you pretend you have it all figured out.
Brie: How did you handle it when you got back.
Brady: Not well, I got into fights, went to jail. I didn't do it the right way, but I did let go of a lot of stuff.
Brie: I know Jack is hurting, I just don't know how to help him.
Brady: Just be there.

Mel: You're supposed to be spending the night at Preacher's house.
Jack: I had to see you. Mel, I'm so sorry I missed the wedding. I know how important that was to you.
Mel: Oh, okay, right. So that's what your sorry about. I thought something happened to you.
Jack: No, I'm fine.
Mel: Oh, yeah, well, clearly that's not the case.