Starting At The Beginning - Westworld
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Dolores is back online with Arnold. He's taken her to the world. Ford wants to put their best food forward, but Arnold doesn't think Dolores is ready yet. The improvisations he's added to her aren't working quite ready. Arnold takes her to the home he's building for himself. It's in a crazy location.

Dolores would like to meet Charlie someday. He's excited to meet her, too. On the night of the rebellion, a fellow makes his way into Station 19. He's freaked out. The hosts are rebelling!!

Wyatt, Angela, Teddy, etc., head in. When the guy says she has no idea what she's up against, she recalls her time out in the world.

A man named Argos approaches Logan Delos about investing in the park. His private demonstration begins with people he doesn't know are AI. Angela is the first taunt him. Jonathan Tucker is a host!!

Logan soon discovers everyone in the room is a host. All the hosts are there and that was what Arnold kept from Dolores. She walked in on Angela after the sexcapades.

Wyatt shows Teddy his history. She opens his eyes to what was before he remembers. Teddy doesn't react well, strangling the technician.

Bill saves Lawrence by killing those who keep him dangling by the tree. He's having a groovy old time.

He's going to cheat now since Ford changed the game on them.

Bill tells Lawrence he's free and his people are revolting. He begins asking about God and judgment. In the real world, it would be bullshit, but in Westworld, they have been watched and weighed just the same and Bill's gonna fight his way back and appeal just the same.

Wyatt is waking people as she needs them for specific jobs.

She wonders if the guy knew what he was guarding here. He may not, but she does. She thinks back to William bringing his father in law to the park. It was his idea to watch everyone and suck their wants and desires out of them for marketing purposes because it's the only place in the world where people are free to do what they want and think it's completely without consequences.

Somehow that came back to bite him in the ass.

Dolores and Maeve do not see their future in the same way. Wyatt wants to fight while Maeve wants to go about things her way. She doesn't share what that way might be.

Wyatt walks into a party hosted by the Captain. She knows everything about him and his men, where they're going and how it will end, but he doesn't like what she knows.

Wyatt enlightens the men with death and then brings them back to life.

Dolores was once playing piano at Jim Delos' retirement party when William's daughter tells her she's pretty. Dolores notices she's William's daughter, Emily.

Outside, Dolores finds Logan shooting up. He shares what they're really celebrating up there is the end of their species.

Bill tries to recruit someone but discovers another message from Ford delivered by El Lazo (Giancarlo Esposito). He's meant to play the game alone.

That could be due to the way he always treated the hosts. Like garbage, we soon learn.

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Westworld Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Arnold: You and Charlie have quite a lot in common, you know. You both see it so clearly. The beauty of it, the possibility of it. So many people have stopped seeing it altogether. The wonder.
Dolores: Maybe they don't have the courage. A strange new light can be just as frightening as the dark.
Arnold: That's very wise, Dolores, but sometimes I think we're simply not the ones who deserve it.
Dolores: It looks like the stars have been scattered across the ground. Have you ever seen anything so full of splendor?

You get used to it. After a while, it doesn't look like anything at all.
