Something''s Coming - Wolf Pack Season 1 Episode 3
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Phoebe and three kids go to a building site to get a view of the fires.

Phoebe tries to take photos and finds herself almost killed by a werewolf, but the police show up in the nick of time and arrest them.

Luna, Harlan, Everett, and Blake are taken to the police station and find themselves split up.

Harlan says they should say they were smoking weed because that would be a crime, though not as bad as arson.

Everett struggles and Kristin tries to connect with him. She tells him about her having anxiety and how she struggles at night when she's going to sleep.

Everett realizes the other teenagers can hear him and they all communicate.

Trent goes into Harlan's room and tries to attack him and says that Harlan assaulted him.

Garrett shows up and says that isn't what he saw and to get his hands off his son.

Garrett is pissed that the kids have been held and Luna tells him about Blake and Everett.

They go with him in the car but want to go home. Garrett says that he needs to take them to his so that they can figure this out.

Phoebe calls Harlan and tells him Blake attacked her car and she's gonna get her back.

Garrett decides to go check on Phoebe but Trent is in the shadows, waiting to go to the house.

He shows up at the door and Luna and Harlan hide Blake and Everett in the office.

Harlan goes out to speak to Trent but he's attacked, and Trent tells him to admit he's the arsonist.

A werewolf attacks Trent. Harlan rushes back in the house, and they call Garrett.

He turns the car around and tells them to get into the barn and get the rifle, but not just any rifle.

They sneak out to the barn, and they find a silver bullet.

The werewolf kills Trent in the woods.

Blake and Everett sneak out the house after a phone call telling them to stay put.

The four teens meet up but they're stopped by a werewolf. It sniffs Everett and rushes off into the night when Harlan shoots.

They realize they all survived because they're now bonded as a pack.

Garrett returns home and the teenagers are in the living room with the bullet.

He admits he made it to kill Luna and Harlan.


Wolf Pack
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Wolf Pack Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Guess who else is gonna be on the news? You as one of those dumb fսcks who died taking a selfie.


Cyrus: Stop being a bunch of pussies.
Phoebe: You can't say "pussy" anymore, asshоlе. It's sexist.
Cyrus: But I'm gay and you can talk about my asshоlе?