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Can Liza let Josh go? 
She tried to make good on her promise to Charles by cutting off Josh, but when she followed the Manners Guide for Millennial’s and wrote him a “Dear John” goodbye letter, she opened up a can of emotions instead. 
After reading the letter, in which Liza tells Josh “she has to let him go” so they can both leave the past behind them and move on, Josh has a bit of a breakdown. 
The reality is difficult for Liza also, but she hopes that sending the letter means she never has to confront Josh again. 
But during Diana’s surprise bachelorette party, a very drunk Lauren texts Josh to snag Diana a commemorative tattoo. 
Josh informs them that he cannot give Diana a tattoo as she’s clearly inebriated, and as the girls head out to their next bachelorette location, Josh calls out Liza. 
“Seriously, you’re just going to write me a letter and never talk to me again,” he asks Liza before reminding her that she promised never to abandon him and to be an aunt to baby Gemma. 
Liza tries to explain the logic behind her decision, but Josh won’t accept it. Instead, he tells Liza that Charles is the “safe” choice. 
When Liza tells Josh that she loves Charles more than she loves him, he calls her out for lying. 
“You wrote a letter to the wrong guy,” he assures her, which leaves Liza befuddled. 
When she arrives home, she’s still carrying the weight of her argument and seems to agree with Josh when she sees a picture of her and Charles at a gala. 
Things at Millennial aren’t going any better since the swift regime change. 
Kelsey arrives at work in a surprisingly chipper mood and claims she’s doing just fine since she agreed to give up her publisher position for the Chicago investment. 
However, on the inside, Kelsey’s hurting. 
She’s losing meeting and appearances and has become a viral meme all because of one drunken mistake. 
It doesn’t help that her relationship with Zane has crumbled once again as she subconsciously blames him for what happened and then realizes he didn’t even let the dust settle before using her mistake as a way to propel himself forward in the industry.
Even Charles, who seemed to be on Kelsey’s side, adapted to his old role automatically and began authorizing books that Kelsey previously rejected. 
Lauren attempts to fix the PR mess and books Kelsey as a speaker at a local girl’s charter school where Kelsey has her very own “shero” moment. 
One flub cannot erase all that she’s accomplished. 
But when everything's said and done, she continues to feel sorry for herself during Diana’s dud of a bachelorette party and eventually, writes a resignation letter to Charles. 
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Younger Season 6 Episode 11 Quotes

I'm going to get back to work, but seriously Josh, unload on me.


Author: With matters of the heart, be clear and direct. Write them a 'Dear John' letter.
Diana: Isn't that a little old fashioned? I mean, do millennials even know how to hold pens?