13 TV Politicians Who NEED to Run for President

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Politics is a tricky game, and while some play nice, others don't always. 

One thing we can all agree on? Any one of these TV politicians may actually be a great choice for our next President. 

See if your favorite person in power made our list!

1. Councilwoman Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

Leslie might usher in a new era for the United States, one where parks are at the top of everyone’s list of concerns. More parks could pop up everywhere, each one with a Lil’ Sebastian fountain. Waffles would become our national food and Galentine’s Day would be a National Holiday. Scratch that, Ann Perkins’ birthday would be the National Holiday.

2. President Jed Bartlet, The West Wing

Do we even need a reason to justify this choice? Jed Bartlet was a man of integrity and strength. He won a Nobel Prize. He’s firm in what he stands for and incredibly likeable. His speeches are inspiring. Can we all just agree to write him in on our ballots this November?

3. President Selina Meyer, Veep

Say what you will about her incompetence, but Selina Meyer has a lot of heart. She tries harder than anyone…and usually fails, because let’s face it, she’s kind of a disaster. But surely she’d keep things controversial and keep us guessing as our President!

4. President David Palmer, 24

Okay, this one's easy. Jack Bauer's looking out for him. He's pretty freaking amazing. He's decisive, makes tough calls without hesitation, and the best part? He might be able to get the country some kind of deal with All State Insurance. (Okay, maybe not that last part. But endorsements do go a long way!)

5. Town Selectman Taylor Doose, Gilmore Girls

Every lawn in America would be the exact same length if Taylor Doose was left in charge! What else could we expect from this Stars Hollow government vet? A new nationwide-celebration every week, an ice cream shoppe in every town, and triple the amount of historical re-enactments everywhere.

6. President Frank Underwood, House of Cards

Frank Underwood knows all about getting power. After being snubbed, he worked his way up the political ladder, and by worked we definitely mean manipulated, and is currently the President. Maybe we need a guy like him in charge of things.

7. President Laura Roslin, Battlestar Galactica

Teachers, Laura Roslin is the candidate for you! She understands the value of a good education, but will also make the tough calls that will further mankind. She’s the bad-ass we’ve always wanted in office, one who can guarantee that we’ll make it to Mars.

8. Mayor Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time

Let’s face it; Regina is a lot of things. But being a hard-ass woman in politics may be the best of them. She’s tough, a family woman, and has eyes everywhere. One step out of line and she can literally cast a spell on you! Maybe it’s time for America to get a little magical.

9. Mayor Richard Wilkins, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Was he actually an eternal snake demon? Yeah. But those are just details! His kindness is on-point. He’s worried about the spread of disease. And his golf game is excellent. Let’s elect the man who’s willing to become a snake for the good of the country!

10. Treasurer Nucky Thompson, Boardwalk Empire

He's powerful. He's corrupt. He's a gangster. Nucky could legalize gambling everywhere in the US, make states a ton of money in doing so, and maybe that would solve the budget deficit! And if you don't vote for him, you know, his muscle will come after you.

11. Senator Clay Davis, The Wire

We know he's a corrupt senator. He takes pocket bribes. But he gets stuff done and will stop at nothing to make sure that he gets his way. And really, don't we need a leader like that?

12. States Attorney Elect Alicia Florrick, The Good Wife

Her husband might be the real politician, but let’s not forget that Alicia won an election for State’s Attorney…and then there was a scandal, and you know the rest. But Alicia might be an interesting choice for a Presidential candidate. She’s hard-working, understands women’s struggles in the workplace, and she loves a big glass of wine. Or two. Or five. We’d vote for her!

13. Mayor Quimby, The Simpsons

We know Quimby is a cartoon, but this year’s election is kind of strange. Maybe an animated President is actually a good idea…

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Parks and Recreation, Gilmore Girls, Once Upon a Time, The West Wing, House of Cards, The Wire, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Simpsons, Boardwalk Empire, Veep, Battlestar Galactica, The Good Wife
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