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The Simpsons is an animated comedy about a middle-class family residing in the fictional town of Springfield. The Simpsons family consists of parents Homer and Marge and their three children, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Homer is a simple minded, lazy, and overweight father who works at the town’s power plant. Marge is a kind, patient, housewife who has to put up with Homer’s buffoonery. Bart is the trouble-making prankster who does poorly in school while Lisa is a genius bookworm who excels at almost everything. Maggie is the baby of the family.

The rest of the town is made up of hundreds of iconic characters including a corrupt mayor, an incompetent police chief, an evil billionaire, a lonely bartender, a pious neighbor, and many, many more. The main cast members who provide the voices for the family and several of the supporting characters are Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardly Smith, Hank Azaria, and Harry Shearer.

The longevity of the show is due to impeccable writing, creative storytelling, and well developed characters. The family’s lives are full of adventure with trips to New York, Australia, Japan, and even outer space. The Simpsons is a hilarious and extremely entertaining take on the animated adult comedy.

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