Supergirl Midseason Report Card: Best Fight Scene, Scariest Villain & More!

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The fall season introduced us to a new superhero. 

Supergirl Season 1 is off to a great start, with a great mix of drama, action, and humor. We've had a chance to get to know the characters and have seen the promise the series holds for the future. 

Our report card takes a look at the season so far with the best and worst episodes, the most heroic moment, the biggest reveal, and more!

Check out our picks and let us know yours! 

1. Best Episode

Supergirl started off strong and only got better as the season went on, so it is not surprising that Supergirl Season 1 Episode 8 is our choice for best episode. Astra returned equipped with a device that makes her immune to kryptonite, Cat learns the truth about Supergirl, and we are left with quite a cliffhanger as Non prepares to wreak havoc on Lord Technologies. Let's just say we can't wait to see what happens next!

2. Worst Episode

We truly loved them all, but decided to go with Supergirl Season 1 Episode 5. While we completely understand the reasoning behind airing it out of order, it made the James/Lucy subplot less interesting since we already knew they got back together. Plus, we would rather not see Kara attempt babysitting again.

3. Best Fight Scene

There have been some incredible fight scenes so far, but the best were between Supergirl and Reactron on Supergirl Season 1 Episode 3. Reactron was a formidable foe, and very nearly killed Supergirl, but in the end she managed to stop him, something her cousin had never been able to do.

4. Biggest Reveal

We spent all season trying to figure out Hank and his glowy red eyes. We didn't know if he was a good guy or a bad guy, but his true identity (and allegiance) was finally revealed in Supergirl Season 1 Episode 7. Hank revealed himself to be J'onn J'onzz, aka the Martian Manhunter, and the entire scene was awesome. Only Alex knows the truth, but we assume it is only a matter of time before Kara finds out.

5. Most Surprising Character Development

Cat could have easily just been a one note evil boss who was nothing more than a thorn in Kara's side. Instead, she has grown into one of the most interesting characters in the series. She's smart, witty, and has developed into quite the mentor for Kara. We're excited to see the role she will play now that she knows Kara is Supergirl!

6. Super Power We Wish We Had

Sure, we'd all love to be able to fly or possess super strength, but the super power we're most jealous of is Kara's alien metabolism! If only we could eat sticky buns every day and not gain any weight.

7. Character We're Still Trying to Figure Out

We get the feeling that Maxwell Lord is shaping up to be Supergirl's Lex Luthor, but what exactly is his ultimate plan? What is he trying to accomplish with his tests and news interviews? He must want more than to simply figure out who she is, but we're not sure what his end game is.

8. Most Heroic Moment

Supergirl is constantly putting herself in danger in order to help others, but none compare to her bravely facing down an armed robber without her powers. She was scared and injured, but that didn't stop her from successfully talking the guy down and diffusing the situation. As James said, you don't need powers to be a hero.

9. Strongest Ally

Kara has several people on her side, but her sister Alex has always been there to help and support her. It doesn't matter that Kara is the one with the super powers, Alex is still there to protect her. Whether Kara needs fighting lessons or a shoulder to cry on, she knows she can rely on Alex.

10. Sexiest Sidekick

Look, we like Winn, and we're sorry he's been friend-zoned, but we're on Team James. They simply have more chemistry and we're rooting for them to figure it out. He may be with Lucy right now, but it's obvious he's holding back feelings for Kara, and we know she likes him too. It's okay, we can be patient.

11. Scariest Villain

Non is looking pretty terrifying! Unlike Astra, who wants to appeal to Kara and bring her over to their side, Non is more than willing to kill her and anyone else who gets in their way. We left off with him attacking Lord Technologies, and it looks like he is on the warpath.

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Supergirl Quotes

Braniac-5: Well the good news is, her mind is active and alert.
Alex: Oh, thank God.
Braniac-5: The bad news is, she is very angry.
Winn: Well, I'm sure she loves being trapped inside a mind prison.

You had me fooled, Danvers. I thought you were a soldier. But then I find this out. All the lies you must have told. You have undermined everything that we stand for, all to protect your own sister. Supergirl.

Colonel Haley