Gossip Girl Caption Contest 7

Gossip Girl Caption Contest 7

Welcome back to the #1 Gossip Girl fan site - the Insider - and the 7th edition of our traditional Gossip Girl Caption Contest. This wee...
Posted in: Gossip Girl
Grey's Anatomy Caption Contest Moving to Friday

Grey's Anatomy Caption Contest Moving to Friday

In an effort to increase participation and exposure of the Grey's Anatomy Caption Contest, we are moving the traditional feature to Friday. With the show airing Thursday, and weekends slowest as far as news goes, we feel this makes the most sen...
Posted in: Grey's Anatomy
Gossip Girl Caption Contest 5

Gossip Girl Caption Contest 5

Welcome back to Gossip Girl Insider, fans, and another week of the Gossip Girl Insider Caption Contest, our fan site's newest Friday trad...
Posted in: Gossip Girl