Inglorious Bassterds Sneak Preview #3

B and S talk about Chuck in this new sneak preview of "Inglorious Bassterds." What does Chuck do?

Let the Right One In Promo

A promo for this week's all-new episode of the Vampire Diaries, "Let the Right One In." Looks like Stefan is in serious danger.

Sweaty Palms and Weak Knees Clip

This is a clip from the 90210 episode "Sweaty Palms and Weak Knees." It's the 4/6/10 installment of the series.

The Hills Trailer: Season 6

A trailer for the final season of MTV's The Hills. It's basically a retrospective on the series. Not a bad one, either.

Father Unfigured Clip

Check out this clip from "Father Unfigured." It's the 4/5/10 episode of Life Unexpected.

Road Trip Clip

Lux, Cate and Baze go for a road trip during this clip from Life Unexpected. Check it out now.

Happily Ever After Clip

Desmond offers Claire a ride in this clip from Lost. It's courtesy of the episode "Happily Ever After."

Wrapped Up in Death Clip

This is a clip from "Wrapped Up in Death." It's the 4/5/10 episode of Castle.

Sympathy For the Parents Sneak Preview #5

Another sneak preview of "Sympathy For the Parents," this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy. What's the code for poundcake?

Inglorious Bassterds Sneak Preview #2

Another sneak preview of "Inglorious Bassterds." Serena calls Nate's grandfather and finds out Nate unexpectedly cancelled their lunch.

Inglorious Bassterds Sneak Preview #1

A sneak preview of "Inglorious Bassterds." Jenny stops by Nate's house to wish him a happy birthday. Uhh...

Inglorious Bassterds Promo: Extended

The extended promo for Gossip Girl's next episode, "Inglorious Bassterds." Awesome.