And Now a Word from Noah Gray-Cabey...

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Noah Gray-Cabey  Picture
This is a bit old, but tugged at our Heroes-living heartstrings, so we had to post it:

Noah Gray-Cabey posted the following on his official website. He sounded pretty excited to star on Heroes, didn't he?

Hi Everybody!

A lot has happened in the past year and a half since my dad and I last updated my website. I am 11 years old now and am in the eighth grade. I like school ok, but I prefer weekends! I just got a Go-Kart and my dad and I go out to the desert to drive it. It's a lot of fun! I still have my two dogs, Teddy and Virginia, and one cat.

The big news is that I am playing the role of Micah Sanders in the new NBC show called Heroes! It's on Monday nights at 9:00 pm on NBC. The show is about regular people who find out that they have super powers. I love movies and shows that have to do with super powers – so I was really excited to play Micah.

The show has tons of surprise twists, so make sure you watch! My mom on Heroes is played by Ali Larter – she's a really great actor and she helps me a lot with my acting. My dad is played by Leonard Roberts who is a really great actor too and is super funny too. He always makes me laugh! I hope you watch Heroes and enjoy it as much as I enjoy acting on it!

Thanks for visiting my website and please write - I really enjoy hearing from you all!
Noah Gray-Cabey

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Heroes Quotes

My father spent his life chasing after this insanity. Now I'm wasting mine trying to prove he was sane.

Mohinder Suresh

Isaac Mendez: I don't want to lose you. But if you don't believe in me you shouldn't be here.
Simone Deveraux: Fine. You think you can paint the future, paint one without me in it.

Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys