Whitney Thompson: I Ain't Plus-Size!

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For all the attention America's Next Top Model champion she has received for being the first plus-size model to win the competition, Whitney Thompson has a message for readers:

This isn't valid.

"I'm not really plus-size in real life, I'm regular," Thompson recently told reports. "I'm the weight I'm supposed to be and that's considered plus-size, and what kind of message is that sending to girls and boys all over the world?"

Whitney Thompson Photo

As for the goals she has for her newfound fame?

"No one from the generation behind me has anyone to look up to. Truly all of their role models are in rehab or have eating disorders, and I feel like it might be a lost generation because of that," the model said. "I'm not saying no to anything. I really want to work and work and work and just get everything I want to out there."

Take advantage of those 15 minutes while you can, Whitney. It's a solid strategy.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Very disappointed. Personally, I really don’t want to come back. I’d rather face the killer than backstabbers. At least I know what the motives are behind the killer.


[To Andy] If I make it back here, your ass is grass! And I’ve made sure of that.
