Big Brother Spoilers: Power of Veto Style

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The Big Brother nominations Sunday night - Jessie and Angie - were, to say the least, a little bit surprising and frustrating to some.

Jessie Godderz? Fine, put him up and hope he seals his own fate. But Angie, though? Come on, Keesha. Angie and Keesha should be alliance members but, somehow, Keesha blames Angie for Steven's departure.

This, even after Libra admitted she wanted Steven gone. Keesha hated Libra, no? At the very least, Libra is annoying and is willing to scream in an old guy's face. So, what the heck was Keesha thinking? 

Again, Jessie Godderz is asking for it. But there is absolutely no reason Angie should be nominated, many viewers are griping.

None, yet she's the favorite to go home on Thursday (the Big Brother live eviction has been moved from Wednesday, FYI). Or is she?

Who will win this week's Power of Veto competition and what will happen at the ceremony? Well, if you want to know ahead of time, you can.

To read these Big Brother spoilers, proceed. Follow the link here ...

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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