90210 Pictures from "The Bubble"

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As 90210 fans recover from the news that Dylan is, indeed, the father of Sammy, here are a series of photos from last night's episode.

Click on the following thumbnails to get a closer look at Dixon (Tristan Wilds) taking after Brandon Walsh, Annie (Shenae Grimes) singing her heart out and more...

Play Time
Debbie Wilson Picture
Time for a Drink?
Silver Photo
Kelly Confronts Ryan
Brenda, Ryan
Grandmother and Granddaughter
Family Breakfast

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

Show Comments


The emotions and the issues are very real... these characters have real layers that will all peel away very, very slowly.

Shenae Grimes

It's not a mom and dad who are home eating bon bons. It's a couple who's f%$k!

Rob Estes