Big Brother 10 Recap: Farewell, Renny

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Last night's Big Brother began with a pissed off Jerry.

Obviously, was a tad bit perturbed that Memphis took Dan off the block, as Jerry has wanted Dan gone for... well, forever.

In the wake of the Power of Veto ceremony, Jerry Mac decided to try to plant some doubts into the minds of both Keesha Smith and Dan Gheesling. He told both about Memphis' deals with everyone and how he can't be trusted.

We'll see if that has any impact.

Renny Martin

Meanwhile, Renny Martyn and Keesha formed a very nice, close bond inside the house. There was a lot of footage showing the two of them talking about life, and how the Big Brother house brought them perspective.

Yawn. Renny was evicted by a 2-0 vote. She was gracious in her exit, and touched by her goodbye messages, especially from Keesha.

Onto the Head of Household challenge, called “Freeze Frame.” Memphis, Dan and Keesha all took their places on a circular stage.

Earlier in the day they were given seven freeze frames from different challenges throughout the season, and were told to study them.

Julie then asked true and false questions about each picture. Dan got every single question right, beating Memphis by one point.

After the challenge, the remaining players were surprised to find a fat Buddha looking guy sitting in the living on top of a chest.

Julie told us that the Buddha holds a clue to a competition coming later in the week that will allow a guest to leave the Big Brother house.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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