90210 Spoilers: The Future of Naomi and Liam

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The conclusion of 90210's first season didn't go well for Naomi.

Liam cheated on her and Annie (in Naomi's mind) sold her out.

So, what will go down this fall for the show's supposed bad girl?

"Obviously there was a horrible ending for poor Naomi. She is over Liam, and she is over Annie," AnnaLynne McCord told E! News. "She goes through the first half of the season really trying to prove that to herself. I don't think she's really over him, but we'll see that push and pull."

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Speaking of Liam, Matt Lanter said viewers can expect to learn more about his background:

"We're going to get into his family life a little bit more. It's 90210 so I'm sure there are going to be some new romances and some jealousy and backstabbing."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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