Lost Casting for... Lennon?!?

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While true Lost spoilers are still difficult to come by, show producers have released a casting notice that sheds a surprising amount of light on a new character.

For season six, the show is seeking an actor in his mid 30s to late 50s to play someone named "Lennon." Here's how he's described:

Scruffy, edgy, charismatic, and slightly stir-crazy, Lennon can be deferential when it’s called for. He’s the spokesperson/translator for the president of a foreign corporation. He’s a wily negotiator, and far more powerful than his lowly position would seem to indicate. Recurring.

A foreign corporation? Could that be the Hanso Foundation? Send in your theories as to how this new character fits into the Lost puzzle.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom