Bethenny Getting Married Review: "Four Weeks to Plan a Wedding"

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And she will cut your balls off...

Those are the wedding planner’s words not mine, but it certainly rings true.  It’s one thing to deal with a Manhattanite Bridezilla, but it’s a whole other breed dealing with one who’s pregnant. 

However, this week's Bethenny Getting Married still managed to be a breath of fresh air compared to the Real Housewives of NYC reunion that aired before it.

Bethenny and Jason had one month to plan their wedding.  Jason’s always in and out of New York on business, so Bethenny ended up taking on most of the tasks.  Add this on top of her business, a book with a deadline, finding a dress, and starting a skincare line and poof, you get a really stressed B. 

Too bad she’s not getting much help from her new assistant Max, since at events he’s off slaying cougars instead of doing his job.

In Her Dress

Max did end up pulling through with his alleged slow dancing skills.  Then, he shoved his foot in his mouth again when he basically called Bethenny old by asking her “does your generation grind?” Um, duh. 

Have you not seen Dirty Dancing Max? Horny people + dance floor = every generation gets down and dirty.

Another assistant of Bethenny’s who’s not providing much assistance was her wedding planner Shawn.  Shawn loves to reference balls, and while I personally have a total potty mouth, Shawn really needs to vary his vocabulary.  We get it dude, Bethenny’s gonna kill you if you can’t get her what she wants. 

She said she wanted quintessential old school New York and you brought her to a bare room with a roof deck that had no railing. 

That’s a great idea for drunk wedding guests. Awesome. So Bethenny schooled him and dragged him to the Four Seasons.  Think he can make it work?  If you read the tabloids you already know the answer.

There was a lot of heart in this episode though.  Titled “In-Laws We Trust” the episode featured Jason’s parents visit to New York.  Bethenny invited Jason’s mom to come dress shopping with her; A very sweet gesture since Bethenny often mentions her own lack of family.  It’s heartwarming to see the Hoppys welcoming her into their lives and vice versa.

Four Weeks to Plan a Wedding Review

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