So You Think You Can Dance Review: Top 8 Perform

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A pall was cast over So You Think You Can Dance last night after it was revealed that Alex Wong hurt his leg while rehearsing a Bollywood routine with Adechike Torbert.

He could not perform last night.

Best case: He'll recover and perform next week. Worst case: Alex ruptured his Achilles tendon and is DFY. Sad. He's in the bottom three tonight automatically either way.

Given his popularity, and the fact that fans will sympathize with his injury, we'd say there's little chance he'll be voted out, especially if there's a chance he's on the mend. 

If he can't perform next week, however, then he's out for good. Cross your fingers that scenario never comes into play and wish Alex Wong a swift and thorough recovery.

Top 8 Dancers

YOUR TOP EIGHT DANCERS: (from left to right) Lauren Froderman, Jose Ruiz, Kent Boyd, the injured Alex Wong, Ashley Galvan, AdeChike Torbert, Robert Roldan and Billy Bell.

As for the remaining dancers, we can say with some degree of certainty that the only two girls left standing - Lauren Froderman and Ashley Galvan - will remain standing.

They rocked. As for the guys? Robert Roldan and AdeChike could be on the chopping block. Here's a rundown of all of last night's So You Think You Can Dance routines ...

Lauren with Pasha Kovalev (cha cha): Oh, that was one hot cha cha. Mia Michaels called it "pure murderation," whatever that means. We'd settle for maddeningly hot!

Jose Ruiz with Lauren Gottlieb (contemporary): Jose tool hold of this sexy number, showcasing strength and his control that mask whatever he lacks in technical ability.

Kent Boyd with Comfort Fedoke (hip-hop): Kent actually sold this one, rather than doing the ridiculous overacting he's renowned for, and he was praised for his growth.

AdeChike with Courtney Galiano (jazz): The judges say it wasn't his best, saying there was too much personality and "mediocre" technical effort. Not a good combination.

Billy with Katee Shean (Broadway): This "Cats" number was actually terrific, as cheesy as it could have been - and we expected to be. Billy's best of the season so far.

Ashley Galvan with Dominic Sandoval (hip-hop): It was great to see Ashley excel in something other than contemporary. Not perfect, but she was an awesome ninja.

Robert Roldan with Kathryn McCormick (jazz): The Ken and Barbie bit wasn't our favorite, but the judges came to his defense, lamenting his frequent bottom three status.

AdeChike (Bollywood): Dancing with a ringer in place of Alex, AdeChike held his own in this notoriously difficult genre. Nigel was nit-picking a bit on this one if you ask us.

Kent and Lauren (contemporary): Simply gorgeous. Nigel called them the ultimate in male and female dancers this year, and he probably wasn't hyperbolizing this time.

Robert and Ashley (quick-step): This dance netted little praise, although the dance itself can be blamed for that as much as the dancers themselves. It just didn't click.

Jose and Billy (African jazz): Billy outclassed Jose, appearing sharper and more controlled. The consensus was that Jose gave a performance that was lacking in power.

Which routine was your favorite on So You Think You Can Dance last night? Who will be the bottom two joining Alex? Leave a comment and discuss!

Top 8 Perform Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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