Bethenny Getting Married Season Finale Review: Shifting Priorities

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On the season finale of Bethenny Getting Married, our hilarious heroine struggles to balance work, marriage and motherhood. That sentence sums up why we love her.

While this was not a particularly interesting finale, as very little happened and we understood the arc of this "season" before it even premiered, we did enjoy it a lot.

There's something real, not just entertaining, about Bethenny Frankel.

Sure, not all of us have assistants, have lavish showers at the Montauk Yacht Club or treat money like it's no object. But Bethenny struggles with real world problems, too.

She wants nothing more than to be able to ditch work and hang out with Bryn. But finding a balance between work, marriage and motherwood will be difficult for her.

Bethenny and Ramona

Ramona and Bethenny coo over Bryn. How can one not?

As with any 21st Century career girl, expectations are hard. Bethenny, unlike many reality stars, was actually a successful entrepreneur before she became a celebrity.

Having gained a clarity as a wife and a mom, she decides her book - the one she pushed so hard to finish before the wedding - is no longer relevant. Who cares in the end?

It includes neither her marriage nor her baby, the two most important events of her life, so her priorities are shifting. For a woman so driven, that's a surprising revelation.

But sometimes you just know.

The baby shower (the first of its kind with an actual baby present) was relatively uneventful, making the finale anticlimactic in a way. A number of questions left unanswered:

What does Jason do exactly?

What do Bethenny’s two assistants make a year?

What does Gina really think of the Hoppy family?

Will Bethenny really completely scrap the book for good?

Will the happy family live happily ever after?

Why the hell is there a question mark in the title of this show?

Who knows! Comment and discuss Bethenny Getting Married? That's not us asking you a question, BTW. We're making fun of the show's awkward title again.

Getting More Than Married Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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