Big Brother: Brenchel Battles to Save Itself

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Brendon and Rachel are so insane, you knew putting them up on the block would instill a level of chaos we had yet to experience this season. Oh, did it ever.

For the first time all season, the veteran alliance is out of power, and we know how Brenchel handles being out of power. Just wait, too, it's only getting worse.

Who won the Power of Veto on Big Brother, and was it used to save Brendon or Rachel from the block? Find out in THG's comprehensive Big Brother recap ...


Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Reality TV Quotes

I’m writing in the paper that Kingfisher is on the verge of bankruptcy … which it is. The next morning, I get slapped with two lawsuits from Natey Flint. He takes out a liable suit against the Sunrise Herald and a one-million-dollar liable suit against me.

Frank Kovick

Stacey: Do you know of any fires in this area?
Frank Kovick: There was one in ’41.
Stacey: There was one in ’41? Where?
Frank Kovick: In Sunrise.
Stacey: Sunrise…
Frank Kovick: It was huge, it destroyed most of the town.
Stacey: Really?!
Frank Kovick: Founders Day fire. They called it the “Miracle Fire” because nobody died.