Burn Notice "Army of One" Sneak Peeks: Bad Intelligence...

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In the spy game, there's nothing worse than bad intelligence.

Michael Westen tells us that in one of the clips below, and then Burn Notice viewers will witness what this can lead to on the episode "Army of One," as Michael infiltrates a group that takes hostages at an aiport.

How does he even end up with that assignment? The answer is revealed in one of the following sneak peeks.

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Burn Notice Quotes

Sam: What can I do?
Michael: I just hacked Brennen's cell. I e-mailed you everything on it. I need you to comb through the addresses, text messages and phone calls.
Sam: You wanna know what Brennen's after.
Michael: I wanna know everything. I wanna know who his buyer is, where he's got Nate, what brand of orange juice he drinks in the morning.
Sam: I'm on it.
Michael: And you'd better hurry. 'Cause I get the feeling Brennen's got the Westen brothers fitted for body bags.

Sam: You got the pickup-location, Mikey?
Michael: Train tracks on 10th Street. Looks like the meeting is gonna be on the move so no one can hit it.
Sam: Have to hit it on the move then.

Burn Notice Music

  Song Artist
Song Fun In The Islands Rene Van Verseveld
Song Synthetic Beat Chamber
Song CMP5131 Out Of Range Noizy Ninja