Switched at Birth Review: East/West Fest

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When we left off on Switched at Birth, Daphne promised that she wasn't going to give up on Emmett. In "Starry Night," meanwhile, she made good on that promise when she crawled into his tent at East/West fest.

Emmett is a pretty honorable guy, so he was slightly angry when he woke up to Daphne in his tent. While I'm sure she really did want to talk to her best friend about stuff with her dad, I still feel as if part of her made the trip for romantic reasons. 

Switched at Birth Winter Premiere Pic

When somebody is super defensive it usually means part of the accusation is true. So when Toby called Daphne out for crawling into Emmett's tent, I think he was in the right. Daphne may not be the kind of girl to sleep with another guy's boyfriend but she will (and did) kiss him. Remember the car wash?

My view towards the whole awkward love triangle softened a bit after that scene at the dock. It's definitely hard not to have the one person you always leaned on. Plus, Wilkie breathes fresh air into heavy scenes and I adore his character. I think we all know that Daphne and Wilkie have the potential to become a couple.

Did anyone else catch the Twilight reference when Wilkie pretended Emmett was named Edward? I know I chuckled.

As always, things just take time. It will take time for their relationship to develop, just as it will take time for Bay to understand Emmett's rules. Bay needs to slow down with Angelo, though. Sure, he seems sincere in missing Regina and wanting to get to know Bay, but he's completely overlooking Daphne and that's just distasteful. After all, she was his daughter.

Angelo did bring one good thing with him, (besides his looks): the nurse who was working the nightshift is going to be a huge asset to John and Kathryn's lawsuit. While I'm still shady on Angelo's intentions, I do believe the nurse's story.

How about all of you? Who do you believe? Did the return of Switched at Birth live up to your expectations? 

Starry Night Review

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Switched at Birth Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Daphne: I didn't know you liked horror movies.
Kathryn: I haven't seen one since I was your age. Amityville Horror and it wasn't nearly as scary as the boy I saw it with.

Bay [about Angello]: He's not on parole.
John: He is with me.