Sharknado 2: It's a Go!

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The obligatory Sharknado sequel has been confirmed. And New York City had better be on notice.

Syfy has officially green-lit the follow-up to last week's instant classic. EVP Thomas Vitale said:

“Every once in a while, there is a perfect storm - on television. The fans are clamoring for a sequel. Or perhaps it will be a prequel. What we can guarantee is that Sharknado 2 will be lots of fun."

"We’ll be announcing more details very soon," the Syfy executive promised. "But we didn’t want our fans to worry they wouldn’t get their fill of more shark fin, I mean, fun next year.”

As for the title to the 2014 follow-up, Syfy is opening it up to - where else - Twitter, asking for subtitle suggestions directed to @SyfyMovies, using the official #Sharknado hashtag.

Excited for more Sharknado? What should the sequel be called? Tell us in the comments!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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