Grimm Review: The Decapitare Versus Krampus

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Thank you, Grimm Season 3 Episode 8, for ruining Christmas for all of us.

On the bright side, the legend of Krampus is awesome if you want your kids to behave (no wonder it’s real), there are always alligators living in the sewers ready and willing to tear their limbs off to make sure they are fully traumatized.

Evil Santa

If there’s one critique I do have about these two installments: it’s the “winter finale” tagline.

This has nothing to do with Grimm Season 3, and more to do with the state of television in general. The allure of stamping “finale” on an episode can bring about a chance for increased ratings, and, if done well, then it lives up to the term; however, there’s a chance for just run of the mill episodes to suddenly have the task of living up to a “finale.”

These two are very much just solid, procedural episodes of Grimm with some light plot motivation.

Grimm Season 3 Episode 7 really cemented an idea that’s been very consistent this season: Nick is absolutely fearless. It might be because he’s been to one side of death and come back again, or because his immediate social circle is in more danger now that his secret is out the he has a desire to make sure nothing can come back to haunt anyone.

As Nick was facing against the Gelumcaedus in the sewer, vambrace strapped on, his only mission is to save Hank. There was no fear there. He only feared for Hank’s safety, and he was more than willing to kill all of them if he needs to.

Renard is right, Nick is not afraid of killing Wesen, at least not in the moment. When it comes to Krampus, Nick wasn’t in the killing mood. Everyone was in agreement about killing him, but Nick suddenly did not.

The Krampus decision is difficult, Nick is in a situation much like his ancestors where he gets to serve out justice the way he sees fit, and Hank has a very stereotypical “human” reaction that he’s Wesen, he’s not innocent. Nick doesn’t necessarily have much, if anything, to use on him in a court, and he knows it, which is probably why he ends up deciding it’s best to let the council take care of it.

Nick’s decision to let Wesen handle Wesen matters is relatively new. He’s never been quite like his ancestors, but he’s never been shy when it comes to killing Wesen (the previous episode supports this) so long as he has something he can use on them. Renard’s words might be having an effect on Nick.

Speaking of the captain, his European field trip is in full swing, and…that’s about it.

The Verrat are really doing their damnedest to try kill them before something can go down, but aside from Renard and the Resistance entering a more official agreement and Sebastian looking super shady for two hours…not much else happens – I’m all for a slow burn, but we’ve been waiting patiently let’s speed things up Grimm.

Viktor, though, in one of a few small scenes, has already established himself on a level Eric could never reach. He’s watching Adalind, big brother style, and he’s expecting a list of names as suspects in his murder from her as well. Personally, I doubt he even cares that Eric is dead. He probably just wants the names of anyone that Renard might be in contact with so he can shut him down.

Monroe and Rosalee – so much adorableness. They’re really trying to make it work, and while rough waters might be ahead things are going rather well. Even the Christmas decoration extravaganza ends on a positive note (even after hearing about Rosalee’s rough child with her favorite Aunt and Uncle dying). Pleased to see some girl talk as well since it’s been an aspect close to nonexistent so far.

Twelve Days of Krampus Review

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