Grey's Anatomy Round Table: "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"

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Welcome back to the TV Fanatic Grey's Anatomy Round Table!

Our review broke down Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 14 in detail. Now, TVF's Christina Tran and Steve Marsi, along with Jarrod Mitchell, are back for a Q&A.

Read their answers to the questions and weigh in with yours!


What was your favorite quote or scene from Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 14?

Christina: I love anything and everything involving Jolex. So, their fake fight scene and their make up scenes were my favorite.

Jarrod: Probably the Owen and Cristina scenes. The nostalgic feeling of them together has enabled me to see where the writers are going with her departure.

Steve: Meredith and Cristina's long-overdue girl time!

How successful will "the panty police" be?

Christina: They have the right idea in mind with focus on the patients, but this is television. In fact, it's Shondaland. "The panty police" has no business managing people's relationships.

Jarrod: I give the policy four more episodes before it's thrown out the window, even though I actually agree with it to some extent.

Steve: Not successful at all. How can you implement a rule so arbitrary? It feels like a total overreaction to an isolated complaint; however valid that complaint might be, it's hard not to see this as overreaching in response.

Were you surprised to find out that Leah filed the anonymous complaint?

Christina: Yes, I honestly thought it was Stephanie.

Jarrod: No, I believed it was Leah to begin with. I understand that Stephanie was hurt, but she doesn't seem as vengeful as Leah.

Steve: A little. I went back and forth wondering who it was. Both make sense, but I probably would have guessed Stephanie if forced to pick.

What did you think of Owen and Emma's break up? Is Crowen back on?

Christina: I thought it was totally lazy writing. Crowen was over. Every word Owen said to Emma did not make any sense to me at all. Seriously, I just don't get it and I hope they're not back together for real.

Jarrod: I don't think Owen and Cristina are back together, but I got where Owen was coming from. It's not so much wanting a life, kids, a house with someone, but more of wanting that life with Cristina. Besides, Emma and Owen were moving way too fast.

Steve: While the split was abrupt, Emma and Owen seemed destined to hit a wall. But regarding Crowen ... they can't be back on, can they? I wonder how this new twist will factor into Isaiah Washington's return.

Do Calzona stand a chance?

Christina: Maybe. However, I still don't believe a big new house and a fancy ring have changed anything. They both need to try to work on their marriage for their daughter's sake. Maybe some counseling would do them good.

Jarrod: I think the three week gap from the midseason premiere has made me question what happened in-between, because it's a bit of a stretch believing everything is peachy keen. There's still a bit of a fence to mend with them, but I'm hopeful.

Steve: A chance? Definitely. However, it seems like these are patches we're seeing, rather than a couple who has totally overcome such significant obstacles. The drama is not over yet, that's for sure.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
