Continuum Review: The End of Liber8

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Well, I had it wrong.

I can admit that my hopes Brad was sent back to protect Kiera were a big miss. However, what came after was so much better. 

On Continuum Season 3 Episode 11 everything was flipped on its head. Brad was sent back from only 30 years in the future by Kellog, of all people, to kill Kiera because Liber8 was (essentially) successful. But their success meant the destruction of pretty much everything.

When Brad said he remembered the city in ruins with everyone he loved dead, he was not exaggerating. Brad was sent back by Kellog to change history because this point in this timeline was earmarked as the moment it became corrupt. 

What becomes clear (and let's be clear -- nothing is crystal, more a dark opaque) is that by playing with time and trying to mold it to your advantage, you do the opposite. No matter how good your intentions, you cannot account for the variables that come flying by and completely change the future you are attempting to create.

Alec is a mess. He's playing with technology far before its time and his HALO causes 6% of those who wear it to become psychotic. I'm guessing the population using now isn't that large, so they're room for that percentage to increase. That he's willing to back such a horrendous product shows how desperate he has become. We don't want this Alec around.

Alec was successful in bringing in Julian to work with him at Piron, but Julian learns rather quickly that he's being blocked from some very vital information. That makes him suspicious. He's not the same kid we met in Continuum Season 1 any more than Kiera is the same Protector. Their experiences, especially in this new timeline, have given them greater clarity about who they are and where they want to go.

Kiera wants a different future than the one she came from (even if she would still love to see her family again); one where the people have more weight and corporations don't call the shots, looking out for themselves first above all others. Brad coming back and meeting his mark also changed how he feels about his own mission. 

This timeline my have been created and altered significantly because of what our original Alec did to get here, but it seems to have a positive effect on people the longer they are here. Well, with the exception of CAlec (a name I have to use when discussing both versions actively). He is so far gone that Kiera must know now that she made the wrong choice locking up her Alec, but for reasons other than she originally thought.

If she lets our Alec out and imprisons CAlec, the future and all of the beauty that could come from the technological advances he made can still happen. He can embrace his brother, Julian, in a way he was never able to in his original timeline, but always wanted to -- as an equal and as someone who had as much to offer to their future as he does.

Both Alec and Julian have had a shift in their moral compasses. So, too, have Kiera, Brad and the members of Liber8. The jury is still out on Curtis, Kellog and the Freelancers. Maybe elder Alec will have tamed in this timeline, too. If he does, it will have to be done with our Alec. With so many people from what were formerly different sides of the fight working together, is it possible to create a future in their current timeline with all of the promise and less strife?

There will always be strife. But if people with knowledge of how badly things can go can be the voices of the people and the corporations and government, then perhaps the future stands a chance.

It's like a game of 52 pick up right now. The entire house of cards was just thrust into the air and they've landed all over the floor. How they choose to rebuild is what will matter. It cannot be said that Continuum is unwilling to frak with our minds.

Do you think there is any chance for this timeline to correct itself to something better than all expect?

If you want to catch up and get help putting all the pieces together, you can watch Continuum online via TV Fanatic..

3 Minutes to Midnight Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Continuum Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Travis: Time for some answers, future man. What are you doing here?
Brad: I'm here to clean up your mess.

Just because Alec believes HALO is harmless doesn't mean it is.
