The Killing Season 4 Poster: Can You Wash Away the Past?

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Can one wash away the past?

Netflix answers that question with the first poster for The Killing Season 4, which features Detective Linden (Mireille Enos) staring out across the water of Seattle, pondering life and loss and including with it a tagline that reads:

"The past can't be washed away."

The Killing Season 4 Poster

The Killing Season 4 will be released in full on August 1.

Look for the premiere to pick up very soon after the events of the The Killing Season 3 finale, as Linden and Detective Holder are struggling with the fallout of the finale.

But the partners will need to re-focus when they're assigned a new case when a seemingly perfect family is murdered, all except their son Kyle (played Tyler Ross), who survived being shot in the head during the massacre.

Joan Allen will play a key role this summer as Colonel Margaret Rayne, the headmaster at Kyle's military academy.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Killing Quotes

Hello, Facebook. Kid's don't write letters.

Jack Linden

Linden: In situations like this, I like to ask myself: what would Jesus do?
Holder: Don't know. I'll ask him.