Rookie Blue Review: McSwarek is Back!

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It took a lot longer than I expected given how the season started - but on Rookie Blue Season 5 Episode 6, Sam Swarek and Andy McNally (aka McSwarek) were back on track.

I know it's only been six episodes but it's been six episodes of contemplation and soul searching looks and keeping one another at arm's length.

However, in "Two Truths and a Lie" they finally got some important things out in the open. Like the fact that Sam was angry and hurt that Andy went undercover for six months after Jerry was killed. 

Prison Interviews

Of course, in a fit of heartbroken grief Sam had basically just accused Andy of being partially to blame for Jerry's death and then he broke up with her. She was hurt and angry, too, so at this point I'm pretty sure we can call them even. 

But Andy had had enough of Sam shutting down and shutting her out. She made it clear, she wasn't up for another round of that. 

Did anyone else notice the song on the radio as they were driving out to the prison? I have no idea what the song was but the lyrics went, "Are you going to waste my time? Are you going to be mine?" When I heard it I hoped it was foreshadowing of what was to come. 

Andy got to meet Sam's father…in prison. Daddy Swarek beat on his family and was an all around bad guy. Then one day when the cops came around asking young Sam to confirm his alibi, Sam lied and said he and his dad hadn't been watching TV together. 

I don't think they specified how old Sam was at the time, but I couldn't help but think that it was a pretty ballsy move. Granted, it was Sam's only way to protect his mother and sister but he's lucky that dad killed someone in prison and got another 20 years. If he'd gotten out in six months, he probably would have beaten Sam to death. 

Thankfully, Sam not only opened up to Andy, he let her meet the old man. Nothing can properly express the look of intense relief on Sam's face when he realized that Andy wasn't scared off. She didn't think he was destined to become his father and she wasn't going anywhere. It was as though a weight was lifted off of Sam's shoulders that he'd been carrying around most of his life.

Watching the two of them roll around in bed wasn't only great because well…finally! But it was wonderful to simply see these two smile together. It's been a really long time since either of them have been truly happy. Hopefully it continues.

Elsewhere. Nick was partnered with Gail and instead of it being awkward the two were just plain fun. Her joking about writing up an online dating profile for him. Him laughing about the video he has of her arguing with a parking attendant while her mouth was still half frozen after a dental appointment. 

I don't know if they are destined to get back together or just end up as friends but whichever it is, the two are fun to watch.

Traci briefly gloated when Dex failed to show up for a custody mediation appointment and then immediately felt bad about it until Steve pointed out in this Rookie Blue quote

You didn't want to fight this battle but you still need to win it.


Even when Steve met Dex at the hospital, he never took the bait and started a fight, but he did point out that the next time Dex found himself needing a ride, perhaps he should call his brother first.

I love Steve. He's smart, level headed and he loves Traci. What more could you ask for?

Finally there was Chloe and Dov, who voiced their lingering anger at one another over the situation with Wes and as much as I liked where they ended up, I still haven't heard Chloe say anything about getting a divorce. Am I the only one who finds that odd?

And of course there was the case of the week, which was simply sad. Sean Harrison not only beat the man his wife was having an affair with to death, he set up his best friend to take the fall. When Larry realized that his only "friend" in the world had betrayed him, he tried to kill himself.

I can't say I felt an ounce of sympathy for Sean as he lie on the floor after his wife stabbed him to death. No one else seemed to either.

So, I've got to ask TV Fanatics, would you want to see Nick and Gail get back together?

Two Truths and a Lie Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (22 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Rookie Blue Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

You didn't want to fight this battle but you still need to win it.


Out of all the squeaky clean guys that we've investigated this guy is the squeakiest.
