Switched at Birth Review: Life Goes On

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Doing blow is fun!

The first day of the rest of Daphne's life consisted of scoring some cocaine and corrupting a med student at Northwestern. She almost killed a few people while Med (I never did catch the poor guy's name) felt like he was having a heart attack and worried Daphne would smash his computer with all of his coursework on it.

Yes, Switched at Birth Season 3 Episode 17 took it's toll on Daphne, but she wasn't alone.

Both Daphne and Bay had been having a rough time in the two weeks since Angelo died. Unfortunately, this was another program that decided to forego the funeral or memorial or whatever they decided to have for Angelo. It concerns me that this part of death is so often skipped in our entertainment, to be honest.

There are a lot of young people who don't experience death and the idea of a viewing or funeral frightens them. Apparently, it frightens pretty much everybody else, too, because it's never examined. I'll keep hoping.

John wants the girls to open up and start living again and is willing to do just about anything to achieve that goal. By pushing so hard for normalcy, everyone is missing warning signs in Daphne. She's not talking to anyone, especially not Regina and that closed line of communication caused her to lose the lemon cake she made with Angelo. 

Regina didn't know what the lemon cake meant to Daphne, because Daphne closed her out. Why wouldn't she throw it out? Even when Bay tried to explain to Daphne why Angelo died, being armed with a lot more information after her visit with her cousin, it meant nothing to Daphne. She's going to be in a world of hurt for a long time. Will she kill her opportunity to get into med school? Possibly.

Bay visited her cousin, Sebastian and learned that he didn't care much for Angelo. The entire situation was really rough and kind of embarrassing. Sebastian was a grown man and the way he treated Bay and John was unacceptable. At least his rotten behavior forced Bay to melt down and from that she learned that aneurysms run in the family; her aunt died of one at Bay's age.

That's a hell of a blow to Bay. She chose not to discuss it with John as of the end of the hour and I wonder how that will affect her. She could choose to get an MRI and see if they can find it, or choose to do nothing. Either option would be awfully frightening for an 18-year-old girl, and now she has Abby to worry about, as well. Keeping the information private wouldn't be fair to Angelo's other daughter.

It was really odd timing for Leo to bring Abby to visit Regina, so soon after Angelo died. It was a great plot device for Kathryn and brought Renzo back into our lives ("Oh! I spilled the beans..." so funny!) but the timing could have been better. It's wonderful that Kathryn wants to be there for both Leo and Abby, reminding him that they'll always have family.

Toby had his first DJ gig, met the new Carlton teacher from Britain who lives upstairs (I love the actress, Rachel Shenton, who played on my favorite Brit soap opera, Hollyoaks) named Lily and got a new roommate -- Tank! Well, Tank is trying to turn over a new leaf after Bay, so maybe he'll be Miles from now on.

The biggest concern is Daphne's inability to absolve Regina for arguing with Angelo. That's going take her down a very dark path and since she grew up with an addict, it will be easy for her to turn to drugs and alcohol for help. The possibility of Bay having an aneurysm is the second. I hope they both find themselves able to talk to their parents about their issues sooner rather than later.

I know one thing for sure, nothing about Daphne's trip with cocaine looked in the least bit appealing to me. I can't think of any reason to want to feel jittery and anxious. Yuck.

You can watch Switched at Birth online any time via TV Fanatic. Thanks for reading. I won't bother asking you to comment, because I know it's a moot point. Just know I miss you all.

Do you think Lily would make a good girlfriend for Toby?

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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