Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Episode 5 Review: Between Friends

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With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Nucky was reunited with his old friend Chalky this week on Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Episode 5, but was betrayed by another when he traveled to New York.

Nucky met with Torrio to seek advice about how to approach Maranzano about Charlie's extracurricular activities, only to be betrayed by his long time friend and confidant. 

Nucky Grows Concerned - Boardwalk Empire

Maranzano: I do not take such things personally.
Nucky: What's more personal than a man trying to kill you?

Maranzano may change his tune after that attempt on both his life and Nucky's. Torrio did tell Nucky a number of times to retire, but he of all people knows how hard it is to walk away. I thought it peculiar when Torrio asked Nucky the time and place he was meeting the new boss of New York, but it was still shocking to learn he was part of the syndicate. Apparently spending his days sipping wine and making cheese melts wasn't enough for the old gangster. He along with Charlie and Meyer will be looking over their shoulder for Nucky's revenge.

Chalky returned to Atlantic City looking to settle a score of his own.

Nucky: There's no sense looking back. The only thing you can do is start again. I really believe that.
Chalky: We ain't school boys no more.
Nucky: We're not dead either. That leaves a lot of road in the middle.
Chalky: Maybe you just don't see the end of it.

Chalky seemingly has lost everything. His family has moved on, and he is a wanted man on the run. He didn't seem to have much ambition other than to confront Narcisse. So to Harlem he went set on doing just that. Instead he ran into Daughter and things seemed to change. Could it be Daughter's daughter is actually Chalky's and will he embrace this potential for a new start?

While it remains to be seen if Chalky is the father, Eli learned his family will be expanding when a very pregnant June arrived in Chicago. Eli seemed truly moved by the news. The new baby would be a fresh start for him and his family. That was of course until the dinner at the Mueller home.

Prior to the infidelity drama, Nelson again provided some laughs with his interactions with his son Chester. I'm sure viewers everywhere cringed upon hearing that torturous sound of a recorder being poorly played. The best though was when Nelson quickly jumped to attention when called to dinner.

Van Alden: I for one refuse to be run by fear.
Sigrid: Husband!
Van Alden: Coming dear!

It will be interesting to watch the two men interact as they are forced to help bring down Capone for the FBI.

Providing more levity this week was Mickey Doyle who never fails to make the most of his limited screen time. His toying with the U.S. Marshall who was looking for Chalky was fantastic. Margaret also delivered some memorable moments in her one scene this week as she handed down her deal to Carolyn Rothstein and then informed her boss of Nucky's wishes to bet against the Mayflower Grain Company.

Gillian is the one character whose path is unclear so far in this the final season. She informed Dr. Cotton that she was cured of her insanity and ready for release. It appeared though she is going to need some outside help if she is going to avoid a similar surgery her friend underwent to cut out her apparent malady.

My money is on Nucky to intervene. We got closer to the point where Nucky began to do the Commodore's dirty work this week during the flashbacks to 1897. Nucky unable to impress Mabel's father, went looking to advance his position and standing. Up to that point, he was living a pretty honorable life, but looked to deviate from that path to secure the blessing of Mabel's father.

Looking forward, we should soon see the circumstances by which Nucky brought Gillian before the Commodore marking the beginning of their relationship. Given her history with Charlie, perhaps Gillian will help Nucky get close to the man he most wants to see dead.

Earning a spot a top Nucky's most wanted list, probably would be the one responsible for Sally's death. The news he got about the incident, however, was less than encouraging. In this case, Nucky might have to take his own advice and not look back. After all, there is plenty of danger ahead to keep both eyes on.

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Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Doesn't anyone drink anymore?


History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme. The fuck does that mean?

Al Capone