NCIS New Orleans Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Breaking Brig

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Pride may wear his heart on his sleeve, but he is without doubt a standup guy who'll go to the wall for the people on his team and in his care.

NCIS: New Orleans Season 1 Episode 3 gave us the scenario of what would appear to be just a straight prison bus escape. The prisoners need to be rounded up and the team was ready to do so.

Only all is not as it seems, as one of them is a mole who is still trying desperately to hide.

This was a flat-out engrossing episode that kept us guessing at every turn. Even as we saw the prisoners escape from the bus, one of them - a clean-cut fresh-faced young guy - clearly didn't belong.

Having seen so many mystery and crime shows, I should have guessed that the least suspect in the show is almost always the bad guy. Well, they were in a sense all bad, but the traitor Nash was the worst.

After Vance had given Pride his marching orders - to bring Nash in alive - I wondered if he'd actually be able to do that. The guy was deadly and was also quite willing to kill anyone he had to in order to get away. 

It seemed pretty clear too that when Nash had his hands around Brody's throat that there was no way he was going to let her live, even if Pride agreed to let him go. Pride had no choice but to shoot him point-blank. It actually came as quite a relief.

All three characters on this team are growing on me. LaSalle's irrepressible spirit and love for New Orleans never gets old. Pride's appreciation of family and people in general is unfeigned and honest. And Brody's warmth in response to the both of them, while gradual is real too.

I even like the way Pride talks, with his idioms and affectionate nicknames:

Pride: Sweet Loretta. What is the story, morning glory?
Wade: Story is three dead. Guards were shot at close range.

The clear winning scene in the episode came near the end, when Vance confronted pride for "going against a direct order." Man, with a boss like Pride, why would anyone ever want to leave? You have to wonder: how many times has he needed to go to the wall like that for his staff?

Vance at least knows now where he stands and where he can push him. The scene was reminiscent of earlier confrontation scenes when Vance and Gibbs in the parent NCIS series were getting to know each other.

You can check out the Vance-Pride confrontation quote and many others in the NCIS: New Orleans quotes for this episode.

What did you think of the episode, and the case of the week?  Watch NCIS online and hit is up in the comments!

Breaking Brig Review

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Douglas Wolfe was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He retired in 2016. Follow him on Twitter


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NCIS: New Orleans Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Vance: You disobeyed a direct order, Agent Pride, which puts us in the dark. We've no clue what intel Nash compromised or who Babakov was selling it too. Needless to say there's fallout. Both the CIA and SecNav want an internal investigation.
Pride: With all due respect, Director, you want me to make a choice between a traitor and one of my own, I'll take the shot every time. You want my badge, you know where to find me.

LaSalle: Can I ask you a question?
Addie: Shoot.
LaSalle: Why haven't we....
Addie: Dated? You know that's funny, because I was just asking myself the same thing.
LaSalle: Come up with anything?
Addie: Cause in about two seconds we'd be broken up. Crossing paths at work and that would just be....
LaSalle: Uncomfortable.
Addie: Bingo.

  • Permalink: Bingo.
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