Stalker Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Skin

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A man was terrorized by choices he made in the past on Stalker Season 1 Episode 8.

How would you feel if people insisted on bringing up your past? That was the question on my mind and it also extended to our friends over at the TAU.

I enjoyed the change of story this week. It worked really well and showed us there was much more to the show than stalking as a result of unrequited loved.

Mark was the victim. I couldn't help but feel sorry for his wife and son. Every time he was on screen, I had a feeling he wasn't who he was being made out to be and he was actually the bad guy; I'm happy to report I was wrong. 

This isn't going to end until one of us are dead.


Chad was one nasty piece of work. I knew he was trouble immediately as his facial expressions were menacing. He had all the characteristics of a serial killer. His ice-cold personality were shiver inducing. 

The odds were against Chad being the only one stalking Mark's family. It felt as if he was wearing a target on his back.

There you are. I knew you were in there.


Although Ben was more prominently featured, he's still not all that compelling of a character. His previous jealousy of Jack was annoying and it's tough to shake the feeling since he didn't have much reason to be jealous in the first place. 

It's obvious Beth loves a good old bit of revenge. Ben's actions were completely out of line. He provoked Chad on several occasions, leading him to snap, shouting a torrent of racial abuse.

My heart skipped a beat when Tim and Landon opened the box to find a bomb. I feared for both of their safety when it detonated. I would have never have expected to see a bomb on Stalker!

The real stalker turned out to be one of Mark's neighbors, Howard. It all made sense when the news emerged that the man had been attacked in a brutal hate crime 10 years prior. 

Why are you protecting him?


The best scenes of the night involved Amanda and Jack. Their storyline is finally heating up and it seems imminent sparks will fly now that Ethan knows who his father is. Amanda is finally admitting she was wrong to keep her son in the dark about his father, bringing them closer. Is anyone else shipping these two?

This was all most likely brought on by Jack saving Trent from a brutal death at the hands of Howard. Trent's actions in Howard's house were coated in stupidity. Why did he have his flashlight on? It gave his location away to Howard resulting in his stabbing. He isn't the brightest police officer. 

It's easier to respect Trent, however, after he made an effort with Jack for Amanda's sake. These two could be friends going forward, at least until Jack finds a way to poach Amanda back.

There wasn't anything exciting going on with Beth. First, she made a comment to Jack about rehabilitation in front of Amanda, knowing fully well Amanda would know what she was talking about. Second, she let Ben get away with provoking Chad on two occasions. Could this be related to her being stalked? The woman actually seemed scared when she opened the package. 

The teddy bear brought back a flood of emotions to Beth as she compared it with her old, slightly burnt one. Even without Perry in our line of sight, he still manages to taunt the otherwise strong Beth. Now she appears more vulnerable than ever. I'm left wondering what her next move is and how she will cope.

"Skin" was another solid episode of Stalker. It had everything you love about the show, plus the stupid character choices you love to hate. Hopefully Perry will reveal a lot more of himself in upcoming installments. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when Beth catches him!

Other bits from the episode:

  • The cover of "Hungry Like The Wolf" was another excellent – but creepy – cover.
  • Did anyone else find the name of the episode deceiving? When I saw "Skin" on my TV guide, my stomach turned. 
  • I loved Marc Blucas being back on TV!

Remember you can watch Stalker online right here on TV Fanatic! Get stalking now!

What did you think of the episode? How do you feel about Jack and Amanda's progress? Do you think Ben went too far? Sound off below!

Skin Review

Editor Rating: 4.2 / 5.0
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User Rating:

Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (23 Votes)

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Stalker Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

I'm not leaving you here alone. We are safer together.


There you are. I knew you were in there.
