The Millers Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Give Metta World Peace a Chance

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There were few laughs and very little heart in The Millers Season 2 Episode 3 as it was a return to normal for the show.

Last week's episode gave me so much hope. It was by no means terrific, but they were headed in the right direction. Everything that makes The Millers frustrating was back in full force.

The incredibly overbearing Mom. The buffoon Dad. I was sad to see their reappearance, instead of continuing their character's growth from the previous episode.

The Millers has a great cast. But the characters and writing is not up to the caliber of these actors.

Nathan dreamt that he was hosting a Mom Moved Out Party and who could blame him for throwing a party to celebrate his freedom? A gorgeous woman was hitting on him, but it turned out to be a dream. Carol was there, singing him awake.

Overbearing Moms are nothing new. Lots of TV shows are filled with overbearing parents, but something about Carol is especially grating to me, and I love Margo Martindale. She's a wonderful actress, so I don't know why she grates on my nerves so much. Is it just me? Or is she just a little too over the top?

Nathan told her to stop interfering in his life (like that would ever happen), which she promised to do. Mom issues aside, Nathan was in a pretty good place. He landed a major interview with basketball legend, Metta World Peace.

Debbie had been moonlighting as a substitute teacher since the cafe was doing so poorly. She agreed to let Nathan film Metta reading his new children's book to her class. She wasn't worried about Adam seeing her on TV because he only watched Spanish TV.  

His favorite TV show is El Seinfeld. It's a show about nada.


On the big day, Nathan overslept since Carol was no longer acting as his human alarm clock. At the gas station, he became upset with the girl in front of him. She was taking too long to pick a lollipop, so he yelled at her to hurry up. She was, of course, Metta's daughter. 

Nathan was worried that Metta and his daughter will recognize him during their interview. Ray gave him a pair of glasses to wear as a disguise. Debbie tried to mess up his hair, which he blocked her from doing.

I did not bring 22 pictures of Brian Williams to the barber for you to mess it up.


Unfortunately for Nathan, his disguise didn't fool Metta who called him out for his behavior.

You've been feeding my daughter lollipops and lies.

Nathan picked up one of the students to act as a shield when Metta confronted him. The video went viral with every major news channel airing the video and ridiculing Nathan for putting a child in harm's way. 

It's on every channel except for Al Jazeera .... nope. It's good to see those guys laughing.


Carol, being Carol, stepped in and invited Metta and his Mom to Nathan's home. Nathan and Metta bond over having dominant Moms who butt into their lives. They came up with the solution to pretend it was a staged prank on bullying. 

I figured out what annoys me - they are too cloying. Too cutesy. I can't imagine anyone acting they way they do. For example, Carol's response to seeing a fire truck outside their building is to kick in his door when he doesn't answer because she's afraid that he choked on an uncut grape. Really? His Dad stays on hold for two days to tell some company that he is not interested in taking their survey. What?

Now there is nothing wrong with over-the-top, zany antics. It works on other shows fabulously. But somehow, it just doesn't work on The Millers. What are your thoughts on the episode? Did you love it or were you disappointed like me that the character growth we saw last week wasn't maintained?

Don't forget, you can watch The Millers online via TV Fanatic at your convenience.

Give Metta World Peace a Chance Review

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