17 Comic Book Characters Who Suck on the Small Screen

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Live-action comic book adaptations are all the rage on television these days.

However, for every character that made the jump brilliantly (such as Gotham's Penguin), there are others that just failed miserably; a few of which (I'm looking at you, Count Vertigo!) probably should never have left the comfort of their comic book pages in the first place.

Yes, they're that bad.

Sometimes the writers are to blame – but, more often than not, the fault lies with the actors or actresses taking a creative risk that doesn't pay off.

Let's take a look at a few comic book characters from Arrow, The Flash, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Walking Dead and others that were ruined by how they've been portrayed on the small screen.

Flip through the above photo gallery and let us know if you agree or disagree with our picks.

Hit the comments to share any offenders we might have missed and/or let me have it if one of your favorites made the list. Just be nice, please!

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